April 22, 2021

3 Different Ways to make that Viral TikTok Feta Pasta. {Recipes}

Throughout the past year, we have seen a surplus of viral food trends due to people being stuck at home looking for something to keep them occupied.

One of the more recent food trends that has been gaining traction on TikTok is a viral feta pasta recipe. In this straightforward recipe, you simply place a block of feta cheese in the oven with cherry tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, and some seasonings until everything melts. Afterward, you add in your cooked pasta and serve a dinner the entire family will enjoy.

Though the recipe is tasty on its own, many food bloggers and individuals have been experimenting with different variations of the feta pasta recipe. Read below for a few honorable mentions.

Gluten-Free Baked Feta Pasta with Shrimp

For all the seafood lovers out there, this gluten-free baked feta pasta with shrimp is sure to be a hit. This recipe still follows the same ingredient list as is included in the original recipe, with the exception of the gluten-free pasta. However, this recipe also includes shrimp. All you have to do with your shrimp is add it to the oven on top of the other ingredients. This is an excellent addition to the original trend, especially if you are in the mood for an easy seafood meal.

Baked Feta with Spaghetti Squash

If you’re looking for a tasty low-carb meal, this baked feta with spaghetti squash recipe is an excellent alternative. While the foundational ingredients do not change, you will swap out your pasta noodles for spaghetti squash. While the feta, tomatoes, and other ingredients are baking in the oven, you can bake the spaghetti squash right alongside them, although it is recommended to first add in the spaghetti squash since it does have a slightly longer cooking time. This is an enjoyable healthy meal with not too much prep time.

Spanish Twist on Baked Feta

Want to switch up the flavors a bit and transport your tongue to another country? This baked feta with chorizo will make you feel as if you are abroad in Spain. This eclectic spin on the original recipe is full of flavor. Once again, you will still be using the foundational ingredients from the original recipe. But in this version, you will also be adding chorizo, onion, red chilis, chili powder, a dash of balsamic glaze, black olives, and lemon juice. After baking it, add in the pasta of your choice and enjoy the various flavors coming together in this Spanish twist on the viral recipe.

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Antonio Michaelides  |  Contribution: 590

author: Antonio Michaelides

Image: Eneida Nieves/Pexels

Editor: Catherine Monkman

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