April 29, 2021

You Need this Yummy, Spicy “Cauliflower Manchurian” Recipe in your Life.

Today I am going to show you how to cook yummy, spicy, crispy Indian food.

We’re making Cauliflower Manchurian.

This is a vegetarian Chinese food which you can cook easily in your home by yourself. We are going to cook it Indian style. Both Chinese and Indian styles are entirely different.

When I was in the United States, I would always search for Indian restaurants nearby, especially on the weekends. But I had bad luck I could only find a few (or it would take at least a 30-minute drive). Still, it didn’t stop me when I thought about the taste.

Finally, when I did find an Indian restaurant, I ordered Cauliflower Manchurian. OMG! It is quite expensive. Fifteen bucks! This is the case for all yummy and spicy food items. I could get a pizza or burger for five bucks. 

In India, Cauliflower Manchurian costs hardly one dollar. So I thought: why should I shell out so much money? Plus, I have a passion for cooking. So, I can cook it and save my time and money as well.

So are you ready to join me? 

Before we start our cooking, why don’t you make yourself a drink? (You will really enjoy it; this recipe is a little spicy.)


>> Cauliflower florets (use one cauliflower)

>> Corn flour

>> Maida

>> Salt

>> Water

>> Oil

>> Chopped garlic

>> Chopped green chili

>> 1 small onionchopped

>> Black pepper 

>> Spring onion

>> Soya sauce

>> Red chili sauce

>> Ketchup


* Please take note of tablespoon (TBSP) and teaspoon (TSP)1 tablespoon is equal to 3 teaspoons.

1. Boil cauliflower florets in water:

Boil 4 cups of water. When it starts boiling, add 3 teaspoons (TSP) of salt in it—mix well.

Add cauliflower florets into the water. Boil it for 4 minutes at medium heat.

Strain the water out and keep it separate on a plate.

2. Make corn flour batter and mix cauliflower florets:

Take 3 tablespoons (TBSP) of corn flour in a bowl. Add 3 tablespoons (TBSP) of Maida and 1 teaspoon of salt in it—mix well.

Add a little water to it—make a thick batter.

Now mix the boiled cauliflower florets in the batter.

Now mix the boiled cauliflower florets in the batter.
Add another 2 tablespoons (TBSP) of corn flour and 1 tablespoon (TBSP) of Maida again.

The batter should cover the florets. (See the picture below.)

3. Fry the Cauliflower florets in oil:

Boil oil on medium heat and add the florets into it one by one.

Deep fry it until the colour changes to brown.

Then move them to a plate with a strainer.

Now we have to fry the florets once again on high heat for 30 seconds so they will become crispy.
Once they’re done, put them on a plate with a strainer.

Final Preparation:

Take 1 teaspoon (TSP) of corn flour in a bowl and add 2 tablespoons (TBSP) of water and mix it well to make a slurry.

Heat up a frying pan or a Chinese Kadai on high heat. Add 3 tablespoons (TBSP) of oil.

When the oil is hot, add: 

>> 3 tablespoons (TBSP) of chopped garlic 

>> 1 tablespoon (TBSP) of chopped green chili 

>> 1 small onion (chopped)

Mix it well and cook for a minute on high flame.

>> Add a little bit of salt and black pepper.
Mix it well.

Now, add:
>> 1 tablespoon (TBSP) of Soya sauce
>> 1 tablespoon (TBSP) of red chili sauce

Mix it well and cook for a minute.

>> Add a little bit of chopped spring onion and 1 tablespoon (TBSP) ketchup and mix it well.
>> Add half a cup of water. Mix it well.
>> Add 1 teaspoon (TSP) of corn flour slurry.
Keep on adding the remaining slurry. This will make the mixture a little thick.

Now add the cauliflower florets into the mixture.
Turn off the heat and mix it well.
Add a little bit of spring onion. Move it to a plate, and the Cauliflower Manchurian is ready to serve.

That’s it. We have done it. Congratulations and enjoy!

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Saji Thekke Veetil  |  Contribution: 365

author: Saji Thekke Veetil

Image: Kindel Media/Pexels

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Kate Force

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