May 23, 2021

4 Asian Girls Rocking against Sexism & Racism.

Punk is not dead at all—thanks to these four girls who went viral with their song “Racist, Sexist Boy.”

A good friend of mine shared this video a few hours after it was released on “Epitaph Records” YouTube channel. And I asked myself in joy, “Isn’t that exactly what punk rock is all about?”

For those of you who don’t know, “Epitaph” is the label founded by “Bad Religion” guitarist Brett Gurewitz—and it’s safe to say that almost every punk rock song you’ve ever heard was probably released on that label or one of their sub-labels.

Rancid, NoFx, Social Distortion, The Offspring, Dropkick Murphys, Pennywise, and of course Bad Religion built their career with the support of this major label that was never designed to be a major label.

“Confusion shall be my epitaph”—and it looks like these four girls from “The Linda Lindas” follow this tradition of turning their anger, confusion, and voices into epic music.

As punk rock icon Jane Wiedlin beautifully said:

“I had been raised to be a good girl, to keep my mouth shut, to always be pleasant. When I discovered punk, I also discovered there was another way to be: to be bold, to be yourself, to have opinions.”

I hope you enjoy the boldness of these four girls sharing their voices:



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Robert Busch  |  Contribution: 160,835

author: Robert Busch

Image: Epitaph Records/YouTube screenshot

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