May 19, 2021

A Call to the People Pleasers, the Fixers—the Ones who’ve Been Used.


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“You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it.” ~ Paulo Coelho

For the mother, the father,
the women and men without children.
For the children.
For any beautiful human being who has been treated cruelly
Because of their skin,
Because of their heart:

Please don’t feel so alone anymore. We are many.

You couldn’t make it stop.

But it is okay to let go of that now. 

Even if it seems impossible. 

You were prompted into those reactions, relentlessly. How could you properly respond?

Do not be ashamed of yourself, please, not any longer.

You are still standing; you will find your brilliant light again. 

Better and brighter than before. 

Do not crumble under the unfairness, my darling, my friend. 

You will rise above it. 

Do not be ashamed of yourself. 

You tried to help. 

Being a people pleaser and a fixer does not take away that you tried to help. 

Don’t let those labels diminish you. 

With your whole heart, you tried to help. 

With the best and purest intent, you tried to help. 

You will help yourself now, because it is your time. Even if it’s taken years, it is your time. 

Do not take ownership of the wounds that were left on your body, your mind, and your heart. Shake them off—and yes, that is easier said than done. But please put down what you are carrying.

Do not look at your children and remember the pain you went through for them to exist. 

Look at your children and be grateful that you went through the pain so they may exist, even if your body aches from doing it alone. 

Relief will come. 

You are doing a great job. 

It will be worth it. 

It will be worth it. 

The cries you make when you’re alone will be heard, and the tears will be worth it. 

You will keep going. 

You will live a life that makes this chapter a distant memory. 

You are simply, brilliantly, and utterly worth it. 

You are surrounded by those who treat all humans as worthy. 

Choose that path. And keep choosing that path.

You are doing a great job.

Believe it so that you may receive it.

With love,

From you. 


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Elizabeth Miller  |  Contribution: 26,980

author: Elizabeth Miller

Image: maniacodamore/Instagram

Editor: Nicole Cameron

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