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May 20, 2021

Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.

If you want to navigate stress with ease, decrease your anxiety, and even grow a healthy head of hair, then you should give meditation a try. Meditation is steadily increasing in the West, and scientists encourage the practice, noting its many benefits for your physical and mental health. And while meditation is more accessible than ever, it can be a little intimidating, knowing where to start. So here is your easy beginner’s guide to meditation.

What is Meditation?

Before we dive into how you meditate, let’s cover what meditation is. Meditation is a technique that increases focus and awareness through mindfulness. Meditation teaches you not to avoid your thoughts and emotions but instead expands your ability to observe them without attachment or judgment. In other words, meditation supports a healthy mindset and helps you separate your thoughts from your being.

There are many ways to meditate, like body scanning, breath awareness, and mindfulness meditation. With so many options for meditation, you can easily find something that resonates with you. Whether you want to focus on your relationships with yourself, repairing past pain, or even deepening your spiritual connection, there truly is a meditation practice out there for you.

What are the Benefits of Meditation?

Now that you know a little more about what meditation is, you might be wondering what the benefits are. While meditation is still being studied, there are a host of benefits that have been found so far like;

  • Reduced anxiety
  • Improved memory
  • Enhanced awareness
  • Better sleep
  • Chronic pain relief
  • Hair growth
  • Helps fight addiction
  • Increased creativity
  • Decreases blood pressure

The list goes on, but as you can see, meditation has a substantial effect on your mental and physical well-being. It also makes you consider how powerful your mind is when it comes to your health.

So, now you have many reasons to give meditation a try, but you might be wondering how you can start a meditation practice since there is so much information out there. While getting started can be a little intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. Keep reading for easy ways you can start a meditation practice in an accessible and stress-free way.

How do you Start a Meditation Practice?

1.Set the Mood

Creating a relaxing space to meditate in will genuinely help your mind settle down faster and prepare for meditation. There are no rules for creating a meditation space, but here are some suggestions you can try. Use dim lighting, like candles, a salt lamp, or even a table lamp with a soft light. Once you have the lighting down, try finding a beautiful scent. This can be essential oils, incense, or even your favorite candle. And just as the scent is important, so is your comfort. Try soft blankets, fluffy pillows, or a soft rug to sit on.

2. Get Some Help

Meditation can be a little intimidating at first, so make sure you use the resources out there like meditation apps, YouTube videos, or even classes. If you are on a budget, YouTube has free videos, and you can also check out Apple Music, Spotify, or even meditation apps that have free features. Many of the mediation apps offer unlocked content every day, so you can enjoy the meditations without paying a monthly fee.

While it might take some time to find the right meditation style for you, have fun with it and explore.

3. Keep Practicing

It’s probably called a meditation practice because you really have to stay consistent to train your brain. Now, you don’t have to meditate for hours at a time, but consistency is key. Try just ten minutes a day and work your way up if you have the capacity for it. As long as you are trying a little every day, you will enjoy your practice’s many benefits.

How Can You Further Your Meditation Journey?

You might be wondering what’s next after you establish a home practice. Well, with mediation, there are so many ways you can grow and learn more. You can try meditation retreats, become a meditation instructor, or even try your local yoga class. There are also many different types of meditation, from zen to kundalini and mindfulness in-between. There really is no set path, so just try to enjoy the journey and see where it takes you.

About the Author

Tiffany Fuller is a creator on behalf of illumiflow, Premium Web LLC, and The Hope House, dedicated to holistic wellness.

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