May 12, 2021

I hereby apologize on behalf of Elephant Journal for being pro-vaccine, pro-voting, anti-racist, pro-addressing climate change. ~ Waylon

A colleague’s comment: “Of course the sign-off to a rude email is ‘Namaste.'”


Someone emailed me a charming, heartfelt missive around my appeal for community help around hiring 4 editors.

On May 9, 2021, at 5:27 PM, [shall remain nameless] wrote:

I used to love reading Elephant Journal, but your political agenda doesn’t allow me that luxury anymore.

Your hatred (so not elephant like) of all things that YOU don’t personally subscribe to is shoved down your readers throat.

No wonder you are in financial trouble. My guess is you will hold onto your perceived principals. And I will find other blogs that don’t feel the need to do what you have decided to do.


Dear [X]

Hey! You mean [what I’ve written about] about vaccines, or Trump, or equity, or anti-racism, or climate change?

We don’t have to agree. We post articles on Elephant we disagree with. That said, they do need to be factual. We do respect facts, truth, science, as I’m sure you do.

As for financial trouble, we’re healthy. We just, like any small business fighting The Man (Big Tech), are tight. So paying folks well, ethically, and hiring up is hard!

Thanks for your message, however offended you might be—that’s some form of caring.

Yours in the Vision of Enlightened Society,
Waylon Lewis

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