May 15, 2021

Why we Must Let Go of the Cycle of Judgment. 



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“It can be easy to sit here blaming the world around us for having planted false beliefs and judgments in our heads, but at some point we have to say, ‘Hang on a minute, I decided to believe in all this too.’ Once we take responsibility in this way for the role that we ourselves have played in the decision to make judgment after judgment as we move through our days, and once we decide to make a change, we make the call to lead a life of love and compassion over fear and judgment. It’s a big call, but a call that will change your life.” ~ Rhyanna Watson

Excerpt from my book: Brave, Beautiful and Baring it All.

We must wake up to the ways we judge and take true responsibility into account.

We must take true responsibility for the way in which we respond. It can feel hard to acknowledge just how much we each judge and cast projection in our lives and on others’ lives and the world.

And it can feel really tough at times to break this cycle of judgment that we’ve looped ourselves into. However, it is an essential part of living braver and more peaceful and beautiful lives.

If we start tuning into love, compassion, respect, and kindness in our hearts and bodies, the false stories and fear in our heads will no longer disempower us and control us. Instead, everything will become clear, and we will no longer exhaust and hurt ourselves and others with expectations and projections of false ideals and realities.

We all forget sometimes that we are the driver of this one blessed life, but we only get to the destinations we choose when we use them wisely. Once we are able to let go of judgment and simply notice and enjoy things for what they are without expectations, we will be free again to see things in the same way as we did as a child—with a renewed sense of curiosity, joy, and innocence.

Let us choose love, not judgment.

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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: @tarnellisart/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis

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