June 2, 2021

A Poem about Love & Water.

To the poet in the menacing crowd:

I am beckoning you.

I am falling in love with the warmth of your smile,

Because for now,

It’s what keeps me from drowning.

I have no ocean to gaze at,

No comforting sun,

Even the snow has wavered its sparkle,

And the moon seems to have quietly gone.


I’ve grown tired and weary of structure,

Nauseated by what people so randomly say

So for now, you are both

The seamless sea and the endless ripple,

And the vessel that keeps wreckage at bay.


It’s hard for me to catch my bearings

And can only imagine how this reflects into you.

So… what if?

We would just float into the grace of each other,

And find safety on a little island for two?

But…… what if?

The sirens start blaring

Or the ocean bed becomes undone?

What if all the what ifs start swimming straight at us

And instead of going all in we go down?

What if words and waves forever engulf us?

Then we’d both be lost at sea!

And yet…


The ocean knows

The floating is upon us,

Because the floating is us.

But for stars to align

We will need to dive deep

Into the countercurrents of our nature

And allow the power of us to discover its thing.


It’s tempestuous madness to dive into the unknown

Because only time and tide

Can show you how to ripple.

And yet we go under

Hoping that love is just this soft, watery substance

That will naturally teach us to swim.


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Nina de Man  |  Contribution: 5,935

author: Nina de Man

Image: Jess Loiterton/Pexels

Editor: Kate Fleming

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