June 22, 2021

Boulder is drowning in Plastic—do we care? If so, what can we do?

Plastic, in Boulder.

I was at Avanti today—love the roof—some great food—and saw a nice human put three plastic to-go boxes inside a plastic bag—from one meal.

Rosetta Hall (our other food hall), on the other hand, is plastic-free, compostable-only. That got me (sad, and) thinking:

I’d like to keep this kind, constructive, and positive—do we care about the plastic pollution flooding our air (it’s in dust), our blood, our oceans, our landfills? Plastic is forever. If so, can we encourage one another to skip the container, and the plastic bag, as much as possible? Any tips for doing so? Do you bring your own bottle around? What else is easy/doable? Can we encourage our favorite restaurants to use compostable paper stuff (the compostable PLA plasticy stuff is better than plastic, but not by much). Most plastic is never recycled.

We’re lucky here to have the good folks at EcoCycle, but still…since eco-responsible solutions aren’t always individual (however much BP, Exxon etc. would like you do believe), how can we advocate for the City of Boulder, Boulder County Farmers’ Markets, Naturally Boulder, Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Boulder, and other caring local organizations to encourage plastic-free?

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