Dear god, help me do something beautiful with my pain.
Help me transform it into light.
I am a meditator.
I am a meditation teacher.
I am a yogi.
I am a yoga teacher.
I am a dancer.
I am a dancing mindfulness facilitator.
I am a lover of nurturing touch.
I am a therapeutic massage practitioner.
I am an adult daughter of an alcoholic mother.
I am an adult daughter of an emotionally incompetent father.
I love my parents.
I see they are souls with their own lessons to learn.
I am not a victim.
I am a forgiver.
I am a transformer of pain into light.
I am from Ohio.
I am part of Appalachia rising.
I struggle with mental illness. Depression.
I take an antidepressant.
I am no less magical than someone who does not.
You can’t be too one-sided.
There are many types of intelligences.
Emotional and Creative Intelligences will save this world if anything.
I am a mother.
Mothering myself.
Mothering a son.
I am grateful for all my life experiences.
I still experience excruciating heartache over the loss of a sense of a healthy biological family. Some of us are meant to create a universal family. Expand the sense of belonging and family.
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