June 12, 2021

Following your Passion is not normal (in a Good Way).

When I was young, I always wanted something for myself.

I dreamed of being a vet, producing my own skincare line, producing a makeup line, owning an antique store, having an animal adoption business, and having a flower shop. These all were businesses I wanted. My desire to be an entrepreneur started young, and I am just realizing it now.

I  realized that I was always unhappy working for someone else. I could never figure out why I was so miserable at every job. At first, I would love it; then, it would become a chore; then, I resented it. Every day I would have something to complain about. I would tell myself, “Come on, it’s not too bad,” then the other side of my brain would say, “Yes, it is, you hate this, this isn’t for you.” I thought this is how life is supposed to be:

Go to work
Work 9-5
Do swing shift
Make sacrifices so you can have the things you want
Be tired all the time
Never see your family
Never get to enjoy weekends

I can go on, but I think you get the point. I never wanted to live the “norm” because, simply, I was not normal. Who knew being different can actually be positive? We are all taught as young children to be the same as everyone else to fit in. Well, news flash: I never fit in, and I now know why. I wanted different things for my life, and I never wanted to follow: I wanted to lead.

Even though this was what I wanted, I never did it; I just dreamed about it. I was too scared to fail. I was shy, I felt like an outcast, and I felt like people would laugh at me. People would always say to me, “Why can’t you just be happy?” “This is a good job,” “There isn’t much else out there,” “No one is hiring,” “This is good pay.”

I have heard it all, and I have even been called crazy and unrealistic. No wonder it took me so long to achieve my dreams. I was being constantly ridiculed for wanting something for myself and wanting something different than the norm.

I feel the heart of an entrepreneur is strong and passionate. It’s not bland, and it’s not normal—in a good way.

We are a different breed, and it is fierce.

We put our heart and soul into everything we do because we are simply so passionate about it, and no one can get in our way.

“If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.” ~ Confucius

It was hard for me to understand this as a young girl, but I get it now. I could never imagine what it would be like because I didn’t have it.

Look at your passion and imagine doing it—and getting paid! This could be building birdhouses or making jewelry—whatever your passion is, turn it into your money-making machine.



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Kaitlin Eileen  |  Contribution: 260

author: Kaitlin Eileen

Image: Valeria Ushakova/Pexels

Editor: Elyane Youssef

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