June 17, 2021

We’re partially, technically married!

Six months back, I proposed. She said “yes.” 

Today, we applied (over video, post-Covid-style) for our Marriage License! Here’s how that went:

(Surprise, surprise: I nearly messed the whole thing up).

Click here for the proposal video.


Michelle and I just had our Marriage License interview with the wonderful, competent, patient, kind Maria at Boulder County.

My longtime colleague and dear friend Molly, who is our Boulder County Clerk & Recorder, joined as a special treat. We were excited, a minute late because we were discussing wills and mortgages and divorce and prenups and 401Ks in the hot tub (it’s important to talk openly about difficult and sometimes boring things) and…I forgot my driver’s license and passport, making for quite the story (with Maria and Molly’s generous patience, we figured it all out).

We had a lovely hourlong zoom call with Michelle’s Ecuadorian and USAan momma Maggie, and my Canadian and USAan mom, Linda, afterward.

We’re partially, technically married!

When we fill out the paperwork they send us, and send it back, that’ll be more official. But we’re putting off most meaningful and fun celebration for the big formal wedding in a year (by which time there may be a little Michelle or Waylon in our arms).

That’s more than a year from now. We are not pregnant. But we look forward, hopefully, to having and possibly adopting children as we go forward together.


Original article follows: 

Michelle and I applied for our marriage license, today.

All online.

We laughed and cried and argued (mostly about multitasking) (it was in the middle of a busy work day) and communicated really well and made up and in the middle of a frustrated moment, I said, do you love me right now, right in the middle of feeling frustrated? I love you right now, frustrated as I am.

She said yes.

It’s easy to love someone when everything is new, in your mind, mirroring your heart’s lonely wishes. Find someone to love who you’ll love even and almost especially when they drive you crazy.

We’ll interview Monday. With Molly, my dear friend and Boulder County Clerk and Recorder! Our wedding license day will be Midsummer’s Day. Then we’ll get formally, romantically, spiritually married in about year, when all our loved ones can safely travel.

I love you, Michelle.

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