June 9, 2021

The Coolest Teenager Ever: Happy 60th Birthday to Michael J. Fox.


There are these moments in life when we feel old—and I am not talking about Michael J. Fox.

I still remember watching all “Back to the Future” movies as a teenager. Michael J. Fox seemed to be the coolest kid ever—he inspired me to play the guitar and skateboard.

I wanted to be like Marty McFly.

Years later, when I was a student, I enjoyed watching him in his role as a clumsy politician in “Spin City.”

And last year, during the lockdown, I remember my fiancé and I shouting out of joy when we noticed Michael J. Fox on “Designated Survivor.”

It took a moment to realize that it was him. He is one of the few superstars who went from teenager to 60-year-old in front of our eyes.

Today he is 13 years older than Christoper Lloyd, also known as Doc Brown from “Back to the Future.” Seeing both of them in this picture today really made me feel old—but in a good way.

We all made it to the future—it’s 2021.

I am still waiting for my hoverboard, flying cars, and time travel, but the world has changed since I watched this movie for the first time.

But some things haven’t changed.

Marty McFly saving his mom from Biff after their high school prom night could be seen as a “Me too” reference. The battle between the “good and the bad guy” is still a thing in the world of dating. And it is obvious that “Rick & Morty” is inspired by “Back to the Future.”

Today, or any day, would be a good day to watch “Back to the Future” again. If you’ve never seen the movie…what are you waiting for?

Happy birthday to Michael J. Fox.



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