June 30, 2021

The Introverted, Intuitive Girl’s 8-Step Guide to Summer.



In my imagination, summer feels like a beautiful, lazy float down a river (never mind the fact that I’ve never actually done this, unless a lazy pool river counts).

It’s effortlessly simple, rich, and evokes the carefree, long days of childhood—when I had no school, no homework, no responsibility, and was free to let my imagination run wild for hours on end.

But reality as an adult looks more like a blur of plans, action, and movement. I can only imagine what summer is like as a mom!

Something about summer quickens the pace, and if you blink, you just might miss the deliciousness of it. It reminds me of when my yoga teacher tells us in class, “don’t miss the yumminess of this pose,” at the exact moment when I check out of my body. How did she know?

For many of us, summer moves fast, and if we’re not making time to be present and intentional, fall will be here before we can say “watermelon!”

In the spirit of summer, this guide is more of a set of prompts to help you make the most of the season.

Maybe you’ll want to sit and ponder one question, or maybe just reading one of the questions opens a new door for your beautiful introverted, introspective mind to chew on.

The Introverted, Intuitive Girl’s Guide to Summer:

1. First, acknowledge that we deserve this summer to be exactly what we wish it to be—not because we’ve somehow earned it or struggled for it, but because inherently, it is our birthright to live in joy. We are here, we are breathing, and we are worthy.

2. Look at what this past year has brought—emotionally, practically, and energetically. For the sensitive ones, this past year has been a mixture of heavy, chaotic, confusing, and stressful (whether or not we’ve personally been “affected” in the external sense by global events, we’ve all felt it somehow). So, simply acknowledge it.

3. Find the gold nuggets within the ashes of this past year. With contrast comes clarity. Without a doubt, the contrast has taught us so much. If we feel called to, we can write down what we’ve learned, realized, claimed, and released. What did we realize was important to us, and what not-so-much? Who are we now as a result? What goodness came from all of the contrast?

4. Energetically close the chapter and turn the page. Sit with this feeling for a bit.

5. Reflect on the feeling and memories of favorite past summers. When we find that feeling, we can marinate in its glow for a while. Then, write down any memories, words, or feelings that came to mind.

6. Consider how to invoke this feeling. Write down everything that comes to mind. Allow the feeling to flood every cell in our bodies.

7. Try to infuse summer with the activities from number six. For example, one of my activities is to “eat more fresh, seasonal fruit,” so every Saturday morning, I head to my local Farmer’s Market and stock my fruit basket for the week. It’s such a simple act, but it literally nourishes me all week. It may sound silly, but it gives me so much joy to pick the ripest fruit from the basket and to be rewarded with its flavor—happy sigh.

8. Don’t get so caught up in the busyness of doing things, that the juiciness of intentionality is missed. Acknowledge the things in number six that have been accomplished—this is definitely something I have to remind myself of. Reminding ourselves that we’re doing it right, feels good. Pause, feel, and receive the goodness.

I’ve been doing this process every season and it always brings me back to living with intention, joy, and ease. Let me know in the comments how this goes for you.

Enjoy, and do me a favour: the next time you bite into a perfectly good, juicy peach, say, internally or out loud—”Mmmmmmm!”

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Mona Lisa Ondevilla  |  Contribution: 165

author: Mona Lisa Ondevilla

Image: www.quotecatalog.com/Flickr

Editor: Amy Vanheste

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