June 23, 2021

The Movie Trailer for “Karen” is out & the Internet is Exploding.

Taryn Manning is slipping into the role of a racist, privileged, suburban woman, and several Karens already want to speak to the manager of this movie.

When I saw the trailer popping up on my social media feed, it instantly caught my attention.

After so much talk about Karens and their behaviors, director Coke Daniels apparently decided to produce a movie on this topic. The trailer didn’t disappoint, and I feel the story line could make a pretty good movie.

The movie is going to be about a Black family moving to a suburban neighborhood and their slightly racist neighbor (Taryn Manning) called Karen. Manning plays the role of a self-entitled White woman scared of a Black family moving to her neighborhood.

So far, so good.

But what really surprised me was the first feedback from Twitter users and several publications ripping this movie apart before it is even released. The main accusation is that “Karen” was just a cheap copy of the well-received movie “Get Out.”

And that’s when I started wondering if the internet has lost its mind. Well, we’ve all had a feeling about that happening previously.

Yes, both movies seem to have in common that they deal with the everyday racism that most of us have experienced in real life in one or another way. Both movies use stereotypes to start a conversation around white privilege and passive-aggressive racism—but that’s about it.

I feel there should be many more movies on this topic. Just because there was one successful movie four years ago, it doesn’t mean that no director will ever be allowed to make another one.

Anyway, I am looking forward to this movie. I can’t wait to see the reactions of all the Karens worldwide after the release.

Until then, you can watch the trailer and make up your own mind:



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Image: Flixville USA/YouTube Screenshot

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