July 19, 2021

6 Signs you have a Wounded Inner Child.


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Over the last few years, I’ve been getting to know my inner child.

I feel her, I talk to her, I ask her questions, and I listen.

I’ve come to understand that there is so much to learn from her, so much she wants to say.

She’s a distinct energy, a tender part I’ve come to see longs only to be seen, felt, heard, listened to, and understood.

I know her intimately, but also know there’s more that I don’t yet know. But I know that the safer she feels with me, the more space I hold for her, the more I pay attention to how she’s feeling, the more she’ll soften—and the more she’ll feel seen.

This part of me is soothed when I give her love—when I hold her and let her know that I’m here, and she’s not alone.

We all have these aspects of ourselves, tender versions connected to who we were when we were children.

We can learn so much from holding space for these parts of us.

And through reconnecting to these parts, we’ll feel more connected, stable, and whole.

At the end of the day, we most want to be seen, felt, heard, listened to, and understood by ourselves. Our innermost selves most want to be loved by us.

As with anything, the first step of this journey is awareness.

Here are six signs you may have a wounded inner child:


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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: lauraklinke_art/instagram

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