July 18, 2021

Aquarius Full Moon: 2 Things to Remember, 2 Things to Do & 1 Ritual to Help. {July 23}


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“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


The Aquarius Full Moon is Friday, July 23rd (at 9:36 PM CST).

And…it is also August 22nd.

Whoa! Two Aquarius Full Moons back to back. Is that possible? Yup!

It’s happening.

What’s the significance and the main message?

We are part of something bigger than anything we might imagine, something that is calling for more harmony, and honoring our core values and beliefs will help us come together in unity and love.

It can be that simple.

So here are two things we can benefit from remembering now:

1) We are all connected.

2) We each contribute based on our values.

Here are two things to do based on that:

1) We can look in our calendars to the New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th and realize what we were focusing on then is in full bloom now. If we don’t like what has blossomed for us, we can trim, weed, and love it up.

2) Assess our emotions and take note of any or triggers or snags you have:

anger = set boundaries

sadness = open to love

jealousy = you want a bit more and can have it

anxiety = get more information

fear = take action

You can read all about those here.

For those of us who love a Full Moon ritual, here is something to try:

1) First, I recommend focusing on speeding up your vibration. You can learn 27 easy ways to do that in my previous article.

2) Within 24 hours of the Full Moon, take a sprig of Rosemary to smell or rub some high-quality Rosemary essential oil on the bottom of the feet. Rosemary helps us remember why we came and assists our DNA in bringing forward the wonder of our lineage, which is where our values come from.

3) With the smell of Rosemary in the air, make three columns on one sheet of paper:

>> Top five values

>> The focus from the New Moon in Aquarius (February 11th)

>> All that is happening now

4) Cross off everything on lists two and three that do not line up with list one. In other words, if it is not in alignment with the values on list one, cross it off.

5) Reflect on action steps that can help set boundaries after writing the list, take the paper, burn it with fire to transmute the energy, and give it back to the air.

May this inspire you to flow with this harmonizing opportunity of this full moon. If you try the ritual, I would love to hear what came up for you!


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Gina Nicole Ballard  |  Contribution: 107,155

author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: snakes.n.roses/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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