July 4, 2021

I Found a Place where Minds Explore, Hearts Heal & Souls Unite.


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When I made the decision to start writing again last year, I had no idea what lay ahead. 

My objective was a commitment to write—period.

My goal was to start a blog and hold myself accountable via regular posting—period.

My aim was to dust off the pages of a book I’d started long ago with the intent of finishing it—period. 

Then one night, while reading in bed, an author talked about her articles on Elephant Journal. As an avid reader of the publication, I explored the app and discovered the “WRITE” button. 

And just like that, my world changed. 

Pieces published to the magazine section. Winning articles when I’d no idea there were prizes to be had. 

Hearts, shares, comments, and followers who found my words to be of benefit

But the most positive and cherished outcome from the decision to submit that first post: the community to which I now belong. 

The virtual acquaintances who grew into connections then became friends. The writer’s forums, the Academy, and the opportunity to serve as a mentor to the Write Your Heart Out course—an honor.

The encouragement, love, and support from writers and readers around the globe. All friends. Shared interests. Like passions.

The unyielding, collective desire to make this world a better place. To help others and heal ourselves.

To learn, grow, and exchange ideas. To find our voices and share our stories. This is Elephant Journal.

A place where minds explore, hearts heal, and souls unite. A home for the thinkers and the seekers. A global community where you will find compassion, care, and comfort. 

And we are all celebrating its 19th year!

So be sure to heart, comment, and share the powerful stories as well as invite friends, colleagues, and family to subscribe.

And most importantly, join me in saying…

Happy Birthday, Elephant Journal! 

Thank you for the difference you’ve made in my life and the lives of countless others. 


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Erin Murphy  |  Contribution: 166,435

author: Erin Murphy

Image: Jordan_Singh/pixabay

Image: elephantjournal/instagram

Editor: Kate Force

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