July 11, 2021

The 10-second Greek Frappé (without using that whippy Thingy).

If you (like me) are not making it to Santorini this year, but still lust for a Greek frappé…

I’ll share my simple trick to mke one at home, without that little whippy gadget.

I won’t bore you with the fond memories of my first ever Greek frappé just yet, other than to say it was life changing. Coffee is life and if there’s any possibility of having coffee all day, in any season, while traveling or backpacking—I’m all in.

The method is also zero waste, and easy to make at home or camping.

You’ll need:

A glass jar with lid
Nescafé or any instant coffee (see my notes below)
Water (cold is best)

Ice, if you like
Sugar or whatever sweetener you prefer
Milk (plant-based works great here too!)

The instructions:

1. Put about 1-2 inches of cold water (3-5 cm)…tip: less water means more foam
2. Add your coffee powder. For a canning jar size, I put in 2 heaping Tablespoons
3. Here’s where you add any sweetener
4. Secure the lid
5. Shake it vigorously for 10 seconds
6. Use the same jar or pour it into a tall glass
7. Add your milk by pouring in a thin stream down the center of the foam
8. Add ice if you like that
9. Add more cold water by pouring in a thin stream down the center of the foam; and
10. Enjoy.

That’s it. Basically, it’s a little bit of water and coffee, shake shake shake, and done. You can also use one of those battery-operated whippy things but this works just as fast, you don’t have to hunt for batteries (how and why I decided to just shake it instead), and you don’t have to clean anything extra.

The photo used was one made this morning. The version in the glass is just water and coffee, how I like it—strong and black. The one in the back has coconut milk added. I usually make it in, and drink directly from, the large one-liter canning jars.

As far as coffee goes. Nescafé has the market on soluble instant coffee, but not all Nescafé tastes the same. If you don’t like sweet coffee, do not use the Nescafé made in Asia. Just don’t. Also the one sold in the States tends to have chicory in it, don’t ask me why they would do that. If you can, buy actual Greek Nescafé online or your corner import shop. The next best is French or German made. Other brands also make this. The one in the photo is a Turkish local brand that has a nice strong taste. No other coffee types work here, just instant coffee.

The first time I had a Greek frappé, I was in Greece (of course), and being the obsessed coffee freak I am, I ran into the kitchen to see how this was made. They used a milkshake machine and he showed me the secret: just a little bit of water and coffee to start with. Once you get that thick foam, then add your other liquids down the center.

For about 20 years, I’ve been making these with my little handheld whipper thingy. But since figuring out that the foam is just as good by shaking it, I’ve retired the whippy gadget to the back of the drawer.



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