July 1, 2021

Why we need to Stop Waiting for Life to be Perfect Before we Begin Enjoying it.


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When I let life in, all of it, I start by letting myself in.

But not just some parts of me; I let all of myself in—into the picture that is.

This opens my heart up to receive so that the mysteries and magic that life wants for me show up.

I recognise how I am the author of my experience.

I stop waiting for life to be perfect before I begin enjoying it. Knowing that yes, I am enough, deserving, and worthy.

This is when radical things happen. I become creatively inspired and magically ignited. I open my eyes and see life firsthand, unfiltered. I experience with a child’s sense of wonder and awe all that is alive.

Yet, what often tends to happen is that many humans tend to get wrapped up in repeating patterns of experience. Encumbered in past disappointments, resentments, and conditioning that run the show from the background.

This is where struggle and resistance in life can begin to seem comfortable and normal. Running on autopilot, busy, disconnected, and overly focussed on outcomes, many humans tend to miss so much of our world’s beauty. Losing the reverence and awe that once touched and blessed their precious life.

The fact is that there is still and always will be this magic. Abundance, creativity, and love are our very nature. There is nothing wrong with playing, adding our magic and unique signature into the world. Yet, if we become fixated on changing the world before we are at peace with it, we lose the sense of our true nature. Our essential creativity.

Our true nature, as Eckart Tolle suggests, is life itself.

When we are in touch with this truth, we feel undeniably sexy, which is why creativity and sexuality are intimately linked. Our senses are deliciously aroused. We are woke to life. Sleep, sex, food, and relationship become a part of our evolution rather than an escape. We are turned on by life. We fire on all cylinders.

To access this state, start by tuning in to your own felt sense of authority, your own power, and sovereignty. We do this by cultivating a devotional practice with radical acts of self-love.

So how do we do that?

You can do this by orienting toward what resources your nervous system.

For some this involves:

>> Spending time in nature
>> Playing favourite pieces of music
>> Making music
>> Spending time with loved ones
>> Painting a picture
>> Receiving a luxurious massage
>> Embracing oneself in bed as though embracing a beloved
>> Intimate time connecting with people we love
>> Enjoying a candlelit dinner or a fire
>> Writing poetry
>> Romancing the unknown

A devotional practice with self is sacred. It does wonders for self-efficacy and creative confidence. The key is in letting go. To meet ourselves in full presence. To embrace both pain and joy, unconditionally.

Starting exactly where we are, bring full intimacy and tenderness in the same way as we would approach a child. In fact, we are approaching our inner child that still lives within. So we must become acquainted with them and see how beautiful this child really is.

Each of us is a work in progress; both the ugly and the attractive are entirely relevant, with beautiful stories to tell.

So, like an artist who creates exquisite works of art. Each process is made all the richer by choosing to enjoy the journey, without being hung up in all-consuming attachment to an outcome.

“Unfinished” aspects of ourselves, when appreciated and embraced, can then relax and reorient to become allies.

Honour the unconscious parts. For they have the potential to turn our lives into what we most value.

So the next time you find yourself emotionally eating or binging on Netflix (or whatever else):

>> Soften around the edges.
>> Observe what’s happening.
>> Drop any labels such as right or wrong.
>> Drop any judgments.
>> Feel and explore a field of intelligence operating through you and around you.
>> Notice your body weight.
>> Be present to your breath.
>> Let go of personal identification to any stories and beliefs.
>> Drop any need to fix or change anything.

Rather than suppressing and neglecting any aspects of self, I invite you to welcome who you already are in all your inexplicable beauty—by welcoming the entirety of what’s within you, both the sacred and the profane.

This will give your life far greater depth and contrast. With an ability to know what is right for you and what you don’t want or need in your life.

So…here’s to your wild, undeniably sexy, creative prowess.

Go out and live. Share what you were born to create!

The world wouldn’t be the same without you in it.


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Jhana Bowen  |  Contribution: 1,265

author: Jhana Bowen

Image: maniacodamore/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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