August 26, 2021

3 must-listen Podcasts for Minorities & Mental Health—Doctor Recommended.

Now more than ever, there is a strong push to make resources available to those in minority communities who are struggling with mental health.

Some may feel as if there are no options for them or they are surrounded by a stigma on mental health and the message is loud and clear.

People of Color should be getting easy access to the mental health care they need.

Those struggling in minority communities are not alone.

Here are three podcasts that prioritize mental health among these communities.

1. “All My Relations”

Matika Wilbur and Adrienne Keene, both indigenous, host the “All My Relations” podcast. The two have brought in guests from a variety of backgrounds to talk about how colonialism is still in effect today and the impact it has on mental health. The topics even get emotional when talking about the damage that white supremacists continue to cause in 2021.

2. “Hoodrat To Headwrap”

Mental health issues can impact anybody. That’s why it’s important to let those who feel they may not have a voice know they are being heard. “The Hoodrat to Headwrap” podcast is all-inclusive for those in minority communities. Co-host Ericka Hart identifies as polyamorous nonbinary, while Ebony Donnley is a monogamous trans man. The hosts provide sex education on the podcast and take aim at white supremacy.

3. “Between Sessions Podcast”

This podcast was created by the founders of Melanin & Mental Health, a website that helps those struggling with mental health issues in the Black and Latinx communities. There are over 100 episodes of the podcast. The topic of overcoming hurdles to getting proper care to people of color is tackled on Between Sessions. The hosts, Eliza Boqiun and Eboni Harris, also discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic made things worse for those dealing with depression and anxiety and what the result of that is post-pandemic.

Everyone should feel they have access to a therapist who understands them. Many within underrepresented communities don’t believe anyone can relate to them and that barriers are constantly in the way. That’s why people, such as the podcast hosts mentioned here, are working around the clock to break those barriers down and get these people the help they need.


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