August 25, 2021

9 Crystals every Single Woman needs in her Bedroom.

* “Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed



There is nothing worse than being hit by a dreaded dry spell.

If you’ve been living the single life, then surviving these lockdowns alone has been hard enough. Add in a bit of lack in the sack, and you might be feeling really frustrated.

We’re all sexual beings. It’s part of who we are. And sex is crucial to our health. After all, it is cardio.

Maybe you’ve lost your confidence, can’t find someone to have fun with, or to start a relationship with, or perhaps you’re never in the mood. Whatever your sex, love, and intimacy situation is, there’s a crystal that can help get your sex life back on track.

Crystals can help clear energy blocks so that your energy flows more freely, raising your vibrations, strengthening your communication, and giving you more confidence to explore.

Whether you have a low libido, want more playful sex, or desire to have mind-blowing orgasms, these beautiful crystals will help:

Smoky Quartz—to overcome a low sex drive.

This is the get out of the slump crystal. If you have low libido, neglect your sexual needs, or struggle to shake off any sense of shame or hurt related to sex, try some smoky quartz.

This stone is all about realigning with your needs while releasing any blockages. If you want to let go, and heal sexual or intimacy issues that keep you stuck or keep you single, invest in smoky quartz.

Blue Lace Agate—for anyone struggling to ask for what they want.

If you don’t know how to ask for what you want, or you’re afraid to ask for what you want, then this beautiful soft blue crystal will be a big help.

Blue lace agate is the crystal for expressing yourself with ease and grace. Regardless of your relationship status, you need to tell whoever you are getting down and dirty with what works for you. This stone helps you fearlessly tell the other person what you like, what you don’t like, and communicate your boundaries—vitally important in sex and relationships alike.

Tiger’s Eye—to reclaim power.

Single life can leave you feeling powerless in your love and sex life. But you can get your sexual power back with tiger’s eye!

Tiger’s eye helps you feel empowered and protected in all areas of your life, but most importantly in your love and sex life. If you feel powerless, submissive, and a bit down and out, it’s time to tap into your big cat energy and reclaim your power.

Rose Quartz—for creating more love.

The crystal of love, perfect if you are genuinely looking to find “the one.” If you’re healing from past hurt, trying to get over an ex, or have lost faith in finding love, then rose quartz is the crystal for you.

Rose quartz cleans your heart chakra or love energy so that you’re ready to give and receive love and trust. This stone helps you to heal and grow your confidence. It will bring a more loving element to your sex life and your love life. If deeply connected, truly intimate sex is what you long for, rose quartz is for you.

Citrine—to generate pleasure in play.

One of my favourite crystals, citrine, is a gorgeous yellow stone, and it brings so much joy to life. Think of it as the crystal of play and abundance.

If you struggle to find the fun in sex, this stone can help you tap into your explorative side, bringing a sense of lightness and laughter to the bedroom. And more fun means more pleasure. This is a great crystal if you want to explore yourself, try new positions, toys, or just have fun. Sex is fun and enjoyable, so give yourself permission to be playful.

Red Jasper—for longer-lasting action.

Quickies have their time and place, but I am all for long-lasting, pleasureful sex. And if you’ve been single through COVID-19, you deserve a sex marathon.

Red jasper is the stone of playfulness and prolonged sexual excitement. This stone will keep things up and going for longer, activating your deeper sexual energy, and giving your more time to reach your climax.

If you feel like sex with your partner is over too quickly, leaving you unsatisfied or wanting more, grab some red jasper and leave it in your bedroom. Or better yet, massage your partner with it.

Carnelian—to increase sexual energy.

If red hot, passionate sex is your thing, then carnelian will fan that flame. This glowing red stone is all about igniting your sexual energy, allowing for more creativity, joy, and passion in the bedroom. If you’ve lost connection to your inner minx, this stone will unleash her.

Carnelian is such a passionate crystal that you can feel its energy immediately. Leave this stone around your bedroom and you might find that you’re inspired to play more games, dress up, or find new places to have some fun. Kitchen? Stairs? Garden Shed? Why not?!

Team this stone with garnet and red jasper and you’ll be in for a wild ride.

Garnet—for blending creativity with sex.

If you have a naughtier side, or you want to try to find your naughtier side, then garnet is a must. This dark red stone is the crystal of pure passion and tantric energy. It’s all about connecting to your deeper sexual energy, creating more sexual flow in your life, and allowing you to explore your sexual creativity.

If your sex life is stuck and you are struggling to attract someone to be with, this crystal will send out kinky vibes around you and you’ll attract someone to have fun with. If your sex life is stuck on repeat, same old routine every time, this stone will help you shake it up. Think new positions, long-lasting sex, and massive orgasms.

Moonstone—to enhance fertility and goddess energy.

We all have an inner goddess; she is our intuition, feminine power, and emotional energy. Moonstone is the stone of our inner goddess. This stone is perfect for tapping into and owning your sexual self.

If you want to harness your intuition, emotions, and feminine traits to create a more loving and healthy sexual experience, then moonstone is perfect. Word of warning, it’s also the ultimate stone of fertility, so wrap up or watch out.

How to use crystals to up-level your sex life:

Now you know which crystals can boost your sex life, foster a deeper sense of intimacy, and bring more passion and fun to the bedroom, it helps to know how to use them. Just having the crystals close can make a massive difference as they release their healing energy into the room.

If you want to really bring the energy of your crystals to life, there are a few things that you can do to get the bed rocking:

>> Keep the stones on your bedside table, or as close to your bed as possible.

>> Buy yoni eggs or sex toys made from crystal. Rose quartz yoni eggs are widely available and you can find dildos in your preferred crystal.

>> Use crystals for a love massage or self massage, allowing their energy to move over you or your partner’s skin.

>> Place some crystals in the bath with you for a sensual soak. Rose quartz, tiger’s eye, citrine, and carnelian are perfect for the bath.

Everyone has a different level of desire when it comes to love, intimacy, and sex. I like to mix and match crystals to add more oomph into the bedroom. Carnelian, red jasper, garnet, and citrine are perfect for long, playful, passionate sex, while rose quartz, blue lace agate, and moonstone bring a more gentle, loving energy into your sex life, and tiger’s eye and smoky quartz are perfect for getting your sex life back on track.

Whatever your sex life is like right now, it’s essential that you feel empowered and satisfied.

Nurturing healthy and positive sexual experiences can help us feel happy, joyful, and satisfied.

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