August 23, 2021

How to Deal with COVID Languishing.


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A post shared by Giselle Dekel (@giselle_dekel)

As soon as I arrived back home after visiting family and having my long awaited COVID-19 holiday, I felt the “blahs” set in.

The COVID languishing I describe is a feeling of being unsettled, stagnant, and simply not motivated.

Pre-trip, I was ready for some life-altering changes. I was eager to ignite my life. When I arrived home, it felt like a thud.

I booked my own counselling session since, as a therapist myself, I know the importance. I shared with my therapist that “I’m writing too much.” This made the therapist ponder and ask: “Isn’t this what writers do?” The answer of course is yes; however, I’m writing to escape the COVID blahs! I’m not feeling like myself and I don’t feel like I’m in Kansas anymore.

I’m writing more than anything else.

I’m writing to feel something other than how I am feeling.

I know I’m not alone in this feeling; we are all feeling the COVID burn.

We are ready to get on with things, and babies have been born, people have moved, and life still goes on regardless of COVID.

So why, then, the languishing? For those who are unaware of the meaning, it is that feeling of not flourishing and just feeling like I said in the beginning, blah. It isn’t depression and it isn’t really living your best life—it is somewhere in the middle. It is going through the motions.

I blame it all on COVID.

To get over this feeling, I have embarked on a mission of writing out some short-term goals. I’m increasing the self-care and daily exercise and cutting the caffeine.

The writer’s cave that I have crawled into is opening up.

Now is the time to return back to my writer’s group. Creatives need support.

The cooking group is coming back and I’m returning to the paint night events in my garage.

You are languishing, you ask?

Yes, I don’t really feel like any of this, but I know some of these activities might make me feel alive again and ignited and inspired.

We all want to live a purpose-driven life full of passion.

COVID has been tough on everyone, and creatives are no different.

For many of us, we have had to change the way we work and we have been isolated.

I think it helps to talk about this COVID burnout. It is necessary to make an effort to do different things to get out of the rut. Maybe a change of scenery, a different job, some self-care dates, or maybe a fresh coat of paint.

This life is ours and we are all here to live it.


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Renee Fesser  |  Contribution: 68,500

author: Renee Fesser

Image: Giselle Dekel/Instagram

Editor: Farah Hany

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