August 16, 2021

How to stay Open when our Lives don’t go According to Plan.

It’s no secret anymore that to create magic in life, we have to be grateful.

If something doesn’t go according to plan, then it’s a good moment to be grateful twice and always be curious if the new development might actually be better in the long run.

Maybe it’s a powerful quantum leap to a different—and even more enjoyable—reality.

So we stay open and present in trust and faith.

Recently I met a friend who is facing a major transition, and I was reminded of a major moment in my own life. The 12-year-old memory of when I was trying to find a job flashed in front of me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to the beautiful people who would not give me a job. Thank you.

Because of that experience, I am now a self-employed yoga teacher sharing my passion, love, enjoyment, and lightness. I am living the purpose of my soul—I deeply know that.

My first students just came to me. After yet another attempt to find work, I decided to take a massage course. During the course, we were practicing on each other and the girls were generously giving me compliments about my body.

They asked me what my secret was. I said, “Yoga every day, nothing else.”

“Can you teach us?” So, of course, I agreed.

My next step was to rent a dance studio and three years later I was jumping on an airplane to India. The universe did not give me what my mind wanted but, instead, gave me what my soul needed.

Thank you, magical world. I trust, I love, and I am grateful.

Sending all my love and gratitude from my heart to all my angels on this transformational path.


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Angela Selivanova Santosa  |  Contribution: 7,510

author: Angela Selivanova Santosa

Image: Author's own

Editor: Brooke Mundell

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