August 17, 2021

Our Most Challenging Situations: How to Reframe our Positions in Life.


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What if the most challenging thing, event, or person is our greatest gift?

If someone asked me this 15 years ago, I would have flipped them the middle finger and carried on. How the f*ck could sexual abuse, seeing people die young, divorce, lies, cheating, or a body that was screaming at me be a part of my greatest gift?

Nope! It’s like saying “everything happens for a reason.” F*ck you. Inferring so is bypassing, right?

However, when I reflect on the last 20 years, this inquiry has helped me perceive the journey through a different lens.

Ultimately, healing begins with awareness. When we bring attention to this question, “What if the most challenging thing in our lives is our greatest gift?” we either meet it with a big f*ck you, or we curiously lean in.

The invitation here is to curiously lean in with Dr. Sue Morter in the below video (especially if you meet it with a big middle finger—resistance can be persistent).

This certainly is part of a more extensive conversation. I am not inferring that it’s an easy switch in thought and we bypass right through it. That is not how this works.

An unfolding happens in the process, one that involves identifying the subtle energy in the body, feeling it, listening to the message, and using tools to release it.

For me, that involved The Energy Codes®, which helped me awaken, activate deeper awareness, and shift. I eventually became an Energy Codes® Certified Coach to help those in my mentorship do the same.

I have witnessed countless miracles starting with this reframe: why is this happening to me versus why is this happening for me.

I am not inferring this set of principles and practices is the “only way.” It’s not. Many methods exist that help us connect to our bodies to listen to something trying to nudge us into our greatness.

The Energy Codes® is only one, but I find Dr. Sue Morter’s reframe, “How the Bus Stop Reframes Your Position in Life,” to be step one in bringing awareness to the surface no matter what method we choose.

May this be of benefit and bring awareness to the thought patterns that limit us.

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