August 31, 2021

September New Moon: 5 Bullet Points to help us Align & Boom Forward. {September 6}

September New Moon

“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


The new moon in September falls on Monday the 6th, and peaks at 7:52 p.m. CST.

Astrologically, this new moon falls in Virgo, reminding us to remember we are one with all that is, trust big, and ground into bigger.

At this time, there are two sides to what we are experiencing subtly—compassion or agony. Suppose we let ourselves live from the subconscious and ego mind, choosing wine, victim mentality, and complaining as our self-care; we’ll most likely continue to experience distress. We can achieve alignment when we open ourselves up to more love, kindness, and empathy.

All new moons are the start of a new lunar cycle and a time to set new intentions with the inward flow of energy that is here for us. This one, in particular, promises when we align with the opportunity, we’ll leap forward. Whether that leap is big or small is up to us.

Following are five things we can do for our energy and our bodies at this time, to help us align and come into further embodiment with the help of this new moon, and leap forward in love.

1. Stay grounded.

First and foremost, we can each get clear on what being grounded means for us. For some, that may mean meditating, visualizing tree roots of light going into the earth from our feet, and for others, that may mean carrying stones or crystals to help, like jasper, obsidian, or smokey quartz. Or maybe we simply take our shoes off and put our feet on the grass or dirt, walk barefoot, submerse ourselves in an Epsom salt bath, or use equipment like a bio-mat. If we experience symptoms like chronic fatigue, anxiety, sadness, insomnia, and even pain, we can most likely benefit from grounding our energy.

2. Check in with everyday routine.

As Mike Murdock says, “The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” This has been true for me, and now is a most excellent time to check in with how we are starting our day. From my perspective, I have found starting my day with routines that nourish the body (exercise, lemon water), mind (reading, journaling), home (diffusing essential oils, opening curtains to the sun), and connection to spirit (mediation, prayer) is vital. We can think about where we desire to be in six months from now on the Virgo Full Moon and assess if our daily routine matches the success of our optimal future self.

3. Listen to our inner child.

Now is such a time to go inward and be gentle with the little person within. Forgiveness work and honoring the small voice within can be helpful and transformative at this time. If feeling called to guidance to help, visit my Inner Child Guided Meditation.

4. Pay attention to the digestive system.

If the digestive system is out of whack or doing anything funny, now is not the time to ignore it. Pay attention. Check-in with the everyday foods going into the body; perhaps something that once worked well, doesn’t anymore. Or maybe there is an essential oil or topical that could help support the digestive system to next-level living. Now is a good time for us to become hyper-aware of what is going in our digestive system and take action to give it a bit of extra love.

5. Set goals for big passion projects.

Not only is this a time to consider routines in health and food, but also when it comes to service, skill, and work. We can think about the future six months from now, one year from now, and six years from now, and consider how the growth looks. We can each set goals in a way that feels good to us. While any form of goal setting works, I like to write a letter to my future self, come up with a bullet-point heart storm list, and/or set S.M.A.R.T. goals:

S = Simple and Specific
M = Measurable and Miracle-Based
A = Affirmative (in the present), Accountable, and Action-Based
R = Reason-Based
T = Thanks and Gratitude-Based

We can each think of the service we share in this world and our goal set!

The main thing to remember is we have one big choice:

Compassion or agony.

We will each find our strength and full embodiment in compassion at this time. Nothing is ever too much. It’s all happening for us, not to us. (If that is an eye-rolling concept for you, I get it, and you may want to check out “How to Reframe our Challenging Positions in Life.”

I would love to hear from you; are you already feeling this compassion or pain fork in the road? What are you choosing, and will you align with a big leap, a small leap, or are you sticking to wine and chocolate? No judgment here!

Either way, I am here to ground into love with you. Enjoy the leap!


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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: Blauth B./Pixabay

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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