August 16, 2021

I Wrap my Arms around Sweet Solitude. {Poem}

alone, finally
i don’t need to move my mouth
locate the words to speak
or listen intently
to others’ hearts.
i can recharge
in vast pools of silence
and love on me.

solitude stretches
like mist over the blue mountains
behind my yard.

right now
the world fades away
gossamer pearls
crash at my feet
and i just dive
to the crisp familiar waters
to the feeling
to poetry.

i love this alone
i need it
i wrap my arms around it
with pure thirst
for it is anything but lonely
solitude is sweet
it tastes like lilacs
with drizzled caramel
blanketing the frayed, raw parts
inside of me.

solitude, i bow to you
a cure to the busy
the striving
the trying so damn hard.
solitude, you deliver me
to softness
a precious pause
permission to not be perfect
the necessary rest
into the palms of something bigger
than me
and it is so healing.


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Sarah Harvey  |  Contribution: 84,555

author: Sarah Harvey

Image: Mariah Hewines/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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