August 1, 2021

“The Moon knows all my Secrets:” 1,007 words Bathed in Moonlight. {Quotes}


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“And the sun and the moon sometimes argue over who will tuck me in at night. If you think I am having more fun than anyone on this planet, you are absolutely correct.” ~ Hafiz

“Yours is the light by which my spirit’s born: you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.” ~ e. e. cummings

“There is something haunting in the light of the Moon. It has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul and something of its inconceivable mystery.” ~ Joseph Conrad

“If I were the moon, I would want you to be my sky.” ~ Alexandra Vasiliu

“I’d rather live in a world where I get to love the Moon than in one where I don’t, even if the Moon won’t return the feeling.” ~ Alex London

“You are my Earth
To you I am just a moon
Your little star that brightens your heart
You are my Earth
And all I see is you
I am just gazing at you like this…” ~ BTS

“He could well imagine what the Moon had given her: pure solitude and tranquility. That was the best thing the Moon could give a person.” ~ Haruki Murakami

“During the day, the Sun causes wounds. And in the night, the Moon heals the wounds. The mountain waits all day for the night when his Moon will be finally bright.” ~ Suyasha Subedi

“The Sun watches what I do, but the Moon knows all my secrets.” ~ J. M. Wonderland

“It was magic, I felt the bond between us.
She was a jelly to my peanuts, Mars to Venus,
The Earth to my sun, moon, and stars,
We added up mathematically…
It’s like I had a bad habit, B!” ~ Ghostface Killah

“You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars.” ~ Gary Allan

“Be both soft and wild. Just like the Moon. Or the storm. Or the sea.” ~ Victoria Erickson

“The night walked down the sky with the moon in her hand.” ~ Frederic Lawrence Knowles

“Oh, do you understand what I mean? Have you ever felt that about the Moon? Have you ever ached with the sheer beauty of it?” ~ James Lusarde

“I am your moon and your moonlight too
I am your flower garden and your water too
I have come all this way, eager for you
Without shoes or shawl
I want you to laugh
To kill all your worries
To love you
To nourish you.” ~ Rumi

“I have, as it were, my own sun and moon and stars, and a little world all to myself.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

“This is what I am talking about: the bewitching power of moonlight. Moonlight incites dark passions like a cold flame, making hearts burning with the intensity of phosphorus.” ~ Rampo Edogawa

“The Moon fascinates us in her simplicity.” ~ Avijeet Das

“Like some winter animal the moon licks the salt of your hand,
Yet still your hair foams violet as a lilac tree
From which a small wood-owl calls.” ~ Johannes Bobrowski

“You are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing.” ~ e. e. cummings

“With callused hands
i tasted
the softness of the moon

in the coldest winds
i discovered
my soul’s
warmest fireplace

in the roughness
of his stubble
the tenderest love.” ~ Sanober Khan

“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” ~ Anton Chekhov

“Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” ~ J. R. R. Tolkien

“In these divine pleasures permitted to me of walks in the June night under moon and stars, I can put my life as a fact before me and stand aloof from its honor and shame.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

“i want to be
in love with you

the same way
i am in
love with the moon

with the light
out of its soul.” ~ Sanober Khan

“The moon is beautiful only when the mind is seeking beauty and the heart is loving.” ~ Debasish Mridha

“Go slowly, my lovely moon, go slowly.” ~ Khaled Hosseini

“What if it’s the there
and not the here
that I long for?
The wander
and not the wait,
the magic
in the lost feet
stumbling down
the faraway street
and the way the moon
never hangs
quite the same.” ~ Tyler Knott Gregson

“When hope is fleeting, stop for a moment and visualize, in a sky of silver, the crescent of a lavender moon. Imagine it—delicate, slim, precise, like a paper-thin slice from a cabochon jewel.
It may not be very useful, but it is beautiful.
And sometimes it is enough.” ~ Vera Nazarian

“There’s no point in saving the world if it means losing the moon.” ~ Tom Robbins

“it was the kind of moon
that I would want to
send back to my ancestors
and gift to my descendants

so they know that I too,
have been bruised…by beauty.” ~ Sanober Khan

“For you, a comet, under a blue sky, leaves trail of color,
For you, a star, dreams of being able to kiss you, dream to hear your voice
For you, full moon, keep vigil for you, my girl, keep vigil for you, my love.” ~ Miguel Ángel Sáez Gutiérrez

“The Moon affects people in other ways, for a beautiful crescent suspended in a twilit sky can stir our hearts.” ~ Ken Croswell”

“Tell me the story…
About how the sun loved the moon so much…
That she died every night…
Just to let him breathe…” ~ Hanako Ishii

“The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, but she will always dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen.” ~ Shannon L. Alder

“a flower knows, when its butterfly will return,
and if the moon walks out, the sky will understand;
but now it hurts, to watch you leave so soon,
when I don’t know, if you will ever come back.” ~ Sanober Khan

“If I offer you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss, too?” ~ Sarah J. Maas

“You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.” ~ e. e. cummings


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author: Julie Balsiger

Image: snakes.n.roses/Instagram

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