August 27, 2021

One Vital Component Missing from a Mind, Body, Spirit Approach to Well-Being.


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I met a deep bout of depression for the first time in my mid-20s.

I had just left my year-long marriage, other relationships were in discord, my body was screaming at me, my job was all-consuming (I hated it), and despite putting in extra hours at work, I still somehow managed to be in debt.

I was also navigating a PCOS diagnosis; my body was talking, and I wasn’t listening. I was carrying extra weight, my gut was fighting me, every vertebra in my back hurt, I couldn’t fully move my neck side to side, and I was losing hair at such a rapid pace I started researching wigs.

I couldn’t find a doctor with a solution. I tried various approaches, therapy, medications, prayer, church, and even healing arts like Reiki and Acupuncture.

I had always been into mind, body, spirit approaches. I was a big Louise Hay fan, studied astrology here and there, and had various books that included everything from angels, mindset, yoga, and different energy practices.

Despite my many efforts, nothing worked.

Until one day, I called on the help of a specific practitioner who prompted a major shift.

Her name was Alexis, and I was introduced to her shortly before I divorced. She actually sensed my marriage bombshell was about to explode and prepped me for it in the most gentle way.

In meditation one morning, I had a flash of initially meeting her, and a deep knowing nudged me to contact her. I thought she might be the person able to help me address the one energy I hadn’t seriously considered thus far—the energy in my home.

Among other titles, Alexis was a Feng Shui practitioner. I purchased my first Feng Shui book when I was 18, and while I was familiar with the healing art, I had never hired a practitioner.

I have always been amazed by the idea that I could use two candles to make my relationship better, plants to help my health, and use colors to help me manifest different goals.

She helped me cleanse the energy of my space, Feng Shui my tiny above garage studio, and taught me the one vital component missing from my mind, body, spirit approach—was my home.

After applying Feng Shui to my home and cubicle, my healing began to unfold in a new way.

I noticed incredible shifts only days after working with her; my body released weight, my hormones started to balance, I felt energized again, my dating life opened, and my rapid-fire hair loss had halted. My life finally began improving, and the dark cloud of despair started to lift.

As silly and as “out there” as it may seem to some, Feng Shui works. I was so convinced that it prompted me to become a practitioner. Since then, I have used it with clients and in my own life to better my health, strengthen relationships, enhance my wealth, and become embodied.

Am I implying that the one vital component missing from a mind, body, spirit approach is Feng Shui? No.

I am suggesting an essential element missing in many subtle energy practices is addressing our home and the spaces around us.

Numerous studies consistently show that characteristics of a physical office environment have a notable effect on the behavior and productivity of employees. Research has also found that the seating, noise level, light, and even color in a learning environment are crucial in a student’s success.

I believe in and promote, a mind, body, spirit, and home (environment/space) connection.

While we can address our environments via one of the various schools of Feng Shui, there are many other ways to improve our spaces if Feng Shui doesn’t call:

>> Environmental Psychology. A study of transactions between individuals and their physical environment, devoted to promoting well-being.

>> Vastu Shastra. Ancient Indian science of harmony and prosperous living focused on eliminating negative and enhancing positive energies.

>> Kanso Design. A concept that comes from Japanese Zen philosophy and emphasizes simplicity.

>> The KonMari Method™. Marie Kondo’s method guides us only to keep what we love and remove items no longer sparking joy.

>> Interior Design. Dedicated to making spaces functional, safe, and beautiful by determining requirements and selecting decorative materials, colors, and lighting.

The above methods share the idea that when we pay attention to our environment and what is around us, we have a different experience.

If following a system doesn’t feel good, here are five questions to help bring the energy of the home into a mind, body, spirit connection:

  1. Is my space cluttered, what emotion might it representing, and what can I do about it today?
  2. Keeping surfaces at least 50 percent clear is helpful for my mind to see space; where might I be able to clear items off surfaces?
  3. Do I genuinely love the artwork in this room, and what feelings and emotions do the pieces spark? (Go room by room.)
  4. If a stream of water were flowing through my space, would it crash into furniture and objects? (Try to move items appropriately for a nice smooth flow.)
  5. Am I surrounded by beauty and colors I love, and if not, how can I change that?

I am all for any system devoted to keeping things simple, free from clutter, functional, beautiful, and feel good. Organizing our surroundings can undoubtedly improve our productivity, and in my experience, help us achieve greater alignment and well-being.

I would love to hear from you! Do you consider your space an important component of a mind, body, spirit practice? Do you love your space, or are there areas calling to you to improve?

May this spark a bit of love in your home!


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Gina Nicole Ballard  |  Contribution: 107,155

author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: denizsipahistudio/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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