September 11, 2021

7 Steps to Getting Healthier at Any Age.


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Reaching weight loss goals and becoming healthy and strong are hard to reach concepts for some.

I was told it would be harder with hypothyroidism and because I’m well into my 40s. But that fantasy goal became a reality.

Talking about making our bodies healthier shouldn’t be taboo. At the age of 46, I am fitter, stronger, and healthier than I was in my 20s.

In today’s world, we cannot quick-fix our way to the body of our dreams, so it is essential to follow a plan.

Here are seven steps that may help you become healthy and strong—at any age—especially well into your older years:

1. Focus on increasing your healthy habits in increments and repeating that.

My results compounded week after week, month after month, year after year. Start following the results and it will force you to control your choices and feel the freedom now and in the future.

“Success is small efforts repeated until it becomes a habit.” ~ unknown 

2. Don’t show off; show up!

I didn’t stop doing what I was doing because I started seeing results. I was still hitting the gym, getting out for walks, and nourishing my body. Let yourself know how important it is to keep going.

3. Do it for you, don’t do it for anyone else.

Invest in yourself. Put that mindset into a secured, sacred place. Allow it to come out when you need it most. This will force you to continue to follow step 1. To this day, there are times I try to talk myself out if it, but if I keep with the path, and my mindset will follow.

4. Avoid things that don’t serve you.

Create a support system of friends and family who will help you reach your goals.

​5. Treat yourself like a jealous lover.

Give yourself the attention you need. Look into intuitive eating and food freedom (a possible way to heal our relationship with food and stop associating eating with feelings of guilt or lack of control.) 

​6. Results don’t sleep.

Rest when your body needs it, but learn to see the difference between needing or wanting to rest, and wanting to avoid your dreams.

​7. Get a food freedom mentor.

Most of us were brought up with a story to tell and hold ourselves to the limits and ideas of our dreams. ​Investing in your health and dreams is an investment worth your work. If you don’t know where you’re stuck, then you’ll find it difficult to move forward.

My 2nd investment was in a macro coach. I started with an understanding of how much of each carb, fat, and protein my body needed for my specific goals. I don’t count my macros anymore, but I do know what my body needs to continue to provide me with fuel and the results I had always been looking for.

Health is the reason I do the other steps, and your body must work for you and do your heavy lifting. I continue to show others how to do the same.

Being a Health Coach—along with my coaching business—has paid me back in so many ways because when my clients win, I win.

​Shoot for the stars because the universe isn’t even the limit. The single biggest limiting belief I’ve made was not thinking big enough. I encourage you to go for more than your dreams and desires. There is no shortage of health and wellness available to you, only a shortage of people thinking big enough.

If you’re able to apply any or all of these seven steps, you might be on the way to a stronger, healthier you.

Once you make it, be willing to help others get unstuck too!

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author: Kelsie Michaud

Image: femaleinspiring/Instagram

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