September 16, 2021

Harvest Full Moon: All you need to know to Realign. {September 20th}


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“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


This Monday, September 20th at 6:54 CST, is the peak of the Full Moon.

As with every full moon, this one has a name based on the month and season it’s blessing us. The full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox is known as the Harvest Full Moon. Every few years, the Harvest Full Moon lands in October, but this year, it’s upon us now!

All full moons are a time to reflect on our path and celebrate how far we have come. We can then let go of what is not serving and what is standing in our way to continue optimal growth!

One way we can deepen this process is by incorporating the moon sign. This Full Moon is in Pisces, so we can look back to the Pisces New Moon on March 13th, 2021, and see what intentions we set and how they are unfolding. Even if we didn’t formally do so, it doesn’t matter. We can quickly assess what thoughts were coming up, what feelings we were experiencing, and what we were focusing on by reviewing our calendars, journals, or even photo log.

It was a time to consider how we:

wanted to create

balance our emotion

use our intuition

connect with children

act out from our insecurities

serve in this world

channel our energy

Whatever was coming up then is a chance to realign now.

As I have been diving into my celebration and gratitude work with the energy of this moon, an ABC theme keeps coming to me. It’s helping me to assess where I am releasing and realigning!

It is as follows:

A = Abundance.

This is sure to be a prosperous time for each of us if we wish it to be. We have the opportunity to go beyond the limits of time and space. We can think about what was coming up for us six months ago in terms of service and being helpful in the world, and celebrate the abundance that brings to our life. The current energy makes this an optimal time for business deals, research, sharing, creating new plans, and even travel if called.

B = Balance.

A major theme currently is discretion and stability. Emotions are likely to peak (as with most full moons), and it’s vital to exercise emotional intelligence. We can use our intuition partnered with a logical perspective to help balance every situation we encounter. To support this, we can practice balance exercises with our physical bodies and ensure the calendar has space for work and social, health, and solo time.

C = Care.

A time of kindness and care is sure to be felt, and this Harvest Moon is a perfect time to extend love to others. This moon is bringing forward a kindness that hasn’t been felt in a while. If we each do one caring thing for someone else, whether we know that person or not, we will spread the available, caring energy.

D = Design.

This full moon is an effective time to make plans according to how we each wish to live life. During this abundant time, we can ask ourselves, “Am I surrounded by people I like and support me, do my situations all feel good in my heart, is my focus on service, and am I in a vital mindset?” If there are any nos, we get to change our situation so we can design and realign.

E = Easeful.

I have been repeating a helpful phrase as we approach this full moon energy: “If it’s not of ease, put it on freeze.” Meaning, if something isn’t working out the way we want it to at the moment, we don’t necessarily have to ditch the entire idea or situation, but we can put it on freeze by pausing it for now and coming back to it at a later time. All that is inflow and easy is where the big harvest will come.

F = Feel.

Pisces governs our emotional body and how we feel. We are doing ourselves a huge disservice if we aren’t feeling into our truth. As this is also a time of psychic advancement and intuition, it can be helpful to acknowledge all of our answers are encoded in our bodies. If something feels good, it’s good; if it doesn’t feel good, it’s not!

G = Gratitude.

As mentioned, all full moons are a time of celebration, and this Harvest Moon will multiply what we are appreciative for. It’s a good time to write in a gratitude journal, express appreciation for someone or something, and most importantly to the above point, feel the shift in the body that gratitude brings. Even if only for one moment.

H = Healing.

There is much peaceful, healing energy that is coming with this moon. It is a time of good health and creating plans for better vitality to come. We can maximize this by releasing health care practitioners or ideas that don’t work, creating new partnerships for our health, and letting go of unhealthy habits, lifestyles, and addictions.

May these ABCs inspire a spark of action or release as they did for me. Does one call to you? I would love to hear! Please do share in the comments!

This Harvest Full Moon is an abundant time, and we can have a big shift by even feeling into one point above.


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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: asjaboros/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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