October 1, 2021

Libra New Moon: 5 Ways to take Assertive Action to Create Harmony vs. Chaos. {October 6}

new moon

“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


The New Moon in Libra is upon us on October 6th.

We may all be feeling the nudge toward taking passionate action, especially when connecting and harmonizing with others.

While this is a beautiful time to set an intention for all relationships in our life (personal, self, familial, with God), there is a flip side to consider. If you follow astrology, it aligns with planets Mars and Uranus in a way, which can translate to disruption, aggression, and useless intent of revenge.

Typically when a New Moon aligns with Mars in the way it is, which astrologers might label “New Moon conjunct Mars,” it can bring abundant and energetic liveliness to us. It can help us to be assertive and take courageous action. But bring Uranus in the mix (linked to innovation, rebellion, and technology), and Libra (corresponding with life-changing relationships), we may find our connections with others are what I will call “heightened.”

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To top it all off, Mercury is in retrograde from September 27th to October 18th. So not only is this a sensitive time for relationships in general, it’s likely communication is disrupted, and misunderstandings happen.

Given these dynamics at play, we can all benefit by setting clear and impeccable intentions now, so connections stay peaceful.

So how do we focus on taking full advantage of the harmonious opportunity rather than allow the energetics to rock the boat and tip the boat over?

Here are five things we can do to transmute this highly charged energy into peace and productivity:

1. Stay active.

Given our connections will be charged with passion, it will benefit us to keep energy moving and flowing. Literally. One of the best things we can do is move our bodies. Generally speaking, New Moons are an excellent time to slow down; it becomes darker outside, quieter, cats tend to hide, and sometimes birds become disoriented. So while it may not be beneficial or in flow to run a 5K, we can take a nature walk, do yoga, or maybe take a toning class. Moving our physical will also give us time to get out of our heads and into our bodies.

2. Expect the unexpected. 

When we are ready for anything, emotions may not be as charged, and we can typically navigate situations with more ease. We may not be able to control our first thought at unexpected news, an off comment, or rude behavior, but we do have a choice over our second thought. Staying open for anything to happen will help us to remember that emotions are charged and will help us respond in a way that is not reactionary.

3. Analyze and Ask vs. Accuse and Attack.  

When uncomfortable situations do arise, it’s a valuable time to inquire about behaviors and beliefs, not for the sake of accusing but to pave a new pathway forward. Since relationships seem to be a big focus, we can meet conflict with curiosity and inquiry versus blame and defense. When a heated discussion arises, we can calmly respond with, “I understand your perspective; that is not how I see it. Are you open to hearing my perspective? I think we can find a resolution.”

4. Remember that what people think about us is none of our business.

Opinions and comments can often be projection behavior, where we unconsciously take aspects we don’t like within ourselves and attribute them outward. In our home, we often say, “If you spot it, you got it, and if you see it, you be it.” It’s important to remember this during this time to maximize the true purpose of relationships, which is to reflect, grow, heal, and move forward. If situations begin to surface that feel like flame throwers coming at us, we can remember this and simply take a pause.

5. Go slow.

This is one of those times where we can slow down to speed up. It may not be the most desired route to take. It might be easier and more attractive to be impulsive, reactionary, and hurry up. This impatience can end up causing more chaos, however, so it’s a good time to slow way down, reflect, and take time to cool off. This is especially true when we find ourselves under heated emotions. When we take action when angry and hot-tempered, accidents happen, and we can regret it later. It’s best to skip the impulse and go for some breathing exercises. Come back to frustrating tasks and conversations with a calmer outlook.

If emotions are running high, read “7 Common (Uncomfortable) Emotions & What they may be Calling us to Do. A final note on this one to be patient with technology. If the computer or iPhone starts frustrating you, walk away. And remember that almost everything works again if you turn it off for a while, then turn it back on, including us.

A powerful time is upon us for healing connections and growing closer. It makes my heart soften and brings a smile to my face. I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes by Marianne Williamson, “Relationships are laboratories of the spirit. They are hospitals of the soul. They are the places where the wounds that we hold will be brought up because that’s the only way they can be healed.”

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We can think of what we truly want in our relationships, all of them—with God, our family, our friends, and with ourselves—and set beautiful intentions for those to unravel. I prefer to write them down, and speaking them allowed is helpful.

May this information be of benefit. I would love to hear from you if it sparked anything in you. Let me know in the comments!


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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: Sergey (Merlin L.) Katyshkin/Pexels

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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