September 2, 2021

Why Silence is better than Chocolate.


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I love the song “ Ice Cream” by Sarah McLachlan—and like Sarah, I can list a few things that are better than chocolate.

Silence is one of them.

Dark chocolate has mood-lifting qualities and so does silence.

I love the space between thoughts and the space between words. The pause is essential.

We live in a noisy world.

Today, as the world wakes up, I slowly swirl some cream in the darkest coffee and sink slowly back into bed.

The house is quiet, minus a snoring cat. I sink deeply into bliss. Soon, the world will wake and the city will rumble.

You will find me here between the pages with incense and cloves wafting. My weekend retreat begins.

Self-care is needed now more than ever. Self-soothing is a skill.

Weekend retreats can fill up a cup that is spilling over.

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Finding bliss in the space between doing and being, allows us to come unhinged and soften. The muscles and fascia relax, and we can recalibrate our bodies and minds.

Even in silence, the mind can be busy so coming back to how we feel in our bodies is essential. We need time to unplug and focus on the long exhale.

Solitude is a luxury for many and often people are only able to get in brief moments during a busy day. Ironically, we are more productive when we infuse a pause to rest and restore.

As you end your week, think about how you can bring some restoration to your weekend?

What do you need?

Life hurries us if we let it.

We can slow down and relish the sensuality of life which means to engage fully in our five senses.

Pour the tea, fill the bath and eat the dark chocolate enjoying solitude and the sound of silence.

Profite de la vie, enjoy life.



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Renee Fesser  |  Contribution: 67,485

author: Renee Fesser

Image: giselle_dekel /Instagram

Editor: Katie Fleming

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