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September 11, 2021

To The Psychology Students out there, that are feeling anxious about the future and if they’ll be good at what they do

I recently had the experience of acting as a client for a group of University students. All studying to become psychologists. It was a deep and thoughtful conversation. Each taking 8-10 minutes in turn, to consult me. Each carrying on from the last person.

Humbling to say the least.

Although you are clearly human in physical presence. As a client, it’s very hard to connect the fact that you are indeed human, not robots and I pray you, keep the vulnerability you shared.

Thank you for not assuming or placing “what you know” onto me.

The smile you gifted, a joke shared and reassuring words are lifelines to clients. The sheer knowledge of me NOT being crazy. Even when I disagree, is the ultimate gift of hope. When wellness seems like an unattainable goal saved for the privileged few.

When we are already in fear of the world around us. You are the person that offers the safety, guidance, and acceptance that a lot of us have never felt in our lifetimes.

No books, lectures, or university papers will prepare you for the truths that some of us hold close. I can tell you from experience. The energy used holding onto these secrets, for fear of them offending others around us is exhausting. You may never know how much kindness it is, to relieve us of the burden of keeping these secrets.

This job will often place you in amongst a system that values money over health, enforces assessments that are unfair, tests made for box-ticking only, Asks more of you than humanly possible with fuck all resources, funding, and support. You may even be jammed in a tiny, hot dark office with one aluminium window and the scent of cheap air freshener.

You’ll find yourself questioning our system and empathising with your clients and their struggles to find consistent help. BUT, for most. The public system is the only financially viable way to receive psych help. So please know, we are grateful to you for being there. Thank You for being there for soulful reasons, unlike other box tickers that just wanna take that paycheck home at the end of the week.

As a previous client of your intended future services and on behalf of all clients that are soon to be meeting you.

Thank You. Thank you for caring enough to be nervous. Thank you for busting your arse for this degree, even before you’ve been able to practice.

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