October 23, 2021

4 Things to Remember when we Want to Take Control (& Embrace who we Really Are.)


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Who do you want to be and what do you want to achieve in 2022?

Big questions deserve big answers. Big answers need time, time for you to discover the answers.

Where will you discover the answers?

From you and from others—those close to you. Sometimes, we need to be guided by meditation, a mentor, or a coach.

Let’s start with you. Which three words describe your highest or “best” self?

These are the words you would want someone to describe you as—both personally and professionally.

Personally, I would describe myself as my best version when I’m being playful, energised, and curious.

Here are some colorful words to prompt your own exercise; warm, loving, impactful, dedicated, focused, grateful, engaged, motivated, courageous, brave, and thoughtful.

Use these as a reminder to guide you in your life and help you know how to act. Make them visual on a Post-it note or whiteboard, then ensure it is visible. Display them somewhere you will see them regularly.

Check in on them during the day to ensure you are aligned with them.

Be intentional about your aspirations rather than focusing on what may feel the most practically achievable. Otherwise, you will always play small.

When I am making life decisions, I ask myself,  “Is this what a playful, energised, and curious version of you does?” There may be times when I need to compromise, but mainly, I seek out goals that result with a yes to that question.

Why would I have a goal or aspiration that isn’t aligned with my “best” version? When you are in alignment with your authentic self, you will bring more joy into your life. It is a practice, though.

If I don’t feel energised in my daily life, I identify how I can adapt my lifestyle to adjust my energy levels. It may take some time, but I am in control of deciding how I want to feel and, therefore, the actions to take to realign with my authentic self.

Instead of discovering who you are, you become powerful when you decide who you are.

Actively generate the emotions that you most want to feel by doing things in line with the vision of the person you want to be.

How do you find out the person you want to be if you don’t know? Most of us have always known, but we have forgotten.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

>> Think back to when you were a kid. What would you spend all day doing? How did it make you feel?

>> Ask three people—people you are in close contact with—what three words they would describe you as?

>> Seek out a coach or mentor who will guide you to discover your strengths, the qualities that make us who we are. Discovering our strengths is extremely important.

>> Sit in silence and ask yourself the question from above: what three words describe your highest or “best” self? Sometimes, we need silence to hear the whisper from within.

How do you make it a practice?

Each day, start by setting an intention for how you want to feel that day and show up. From your inner dialogue, this may be your guide throughout the day to use as an anchor to bring you back to yourself when life gets in the way.

Set an intention and watch as more joy floods into your life as you align to your “best” self.

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Jacquelyn Armour  |  Contribution: 7,135

author: Jacquelyn Armour

Image: julika.illustration/Instagram

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar

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