October 1, 2021

6 Steps for Giving a Sunflower Hug.

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For those of us who are huggers, the pandemic has been a difficult time.

I do not feel like a complete person if I cannot show affection to those I care about.

Hugging is a language in and of itself—but what options did I have?

I drew inspiration from this image of a sunflower taken by my friend Barton.



Note what the sunflower seems to be doing.

Yes, it is hugging itself.

How beautiful is that?

So, I consciously became like a sunflower. And now, it is an ongoing practice for me. Whenever I feel unloved, unlovable, lonely, or sad, I draw inspiration from this lovely flower.

Only recently did I remember I have taught children and youth to do just this over the years—hug and love yourselves.

How did I not recall this during the pandemic for myself?

There are instructions to join in some self-love and enjoy some hugs from your amazing self.

Here are the six steps for giving a sunflower hug.

1. Stand up tall.

2. Take a deep breath in and out.

3. Put your right hand on your left shoulder.

4. Put your left hand on your right shoulder.

5. Say these words aloud:

“I love myself. I love myself. Ooooohhhh, I love myself.”

6. Repeat those words a few rounds to get into the flow.

For an advanced version, sway your arms side to side continuing to hug yourself while saying the words out loud with emphasis on a sassy “Ooohhhh.”

And for the extra advanced: smile, laugh, and have fun.

Let’s all remember when we are feeling sad or alone to be like the self-hugging sunflower and wrap our own arms around our beauty and light!



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Dana Christian Lee  |  Contribution: 500

author: Dana Christian Lee

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Katie Fleming

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