October 13, 2021

Finding Humour in Dating Covid-Style—7 Tips.


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Author’s note: The following does not replace medical advice.


This is a strange yet beautiful world that we live in, and humans and their mating rituals are intriguing.

My sense of humour is slowly returning. This is a relief. Reality has also slowly sunk in.

The place in which I find myself is a curious and mysterious one.

I find myself sighing as I softly settle back into life and think about love.

Does this sound familiar?

Like most people, I have seriously evaluated my life because of this pandemic. COVID-19 has ripped relationships apart and brought others closer together.

Now might not be the best time to swipe left or right, although online dating is on the rise.

I spent the weekend with a few millennials, and this is what I learned.

Per the survey group, the hookups are still happening; however, the other more serious relationships are fizzling.

Couples have postponed nuptials, and others are thinking, “Why bother with the formalities?”

Work romance is now back on the rise since people have returned to the office.

Work romance is also a work and occupational hazard.

The millennial pack openly shared their stories with me over an open fire and warm drinks.

They shared their dating “wows and woes.”

Here are some tips that both sexes offer in terms of dating post-Covid—though, there are some disparities and conflicting views.

My younger colleagues recommend the following:

1. When dating, ask if they are vaccinated like you would ask about sexual health.

This was the top recommendation followed by: never ask if your potential mate or date is vaccinated!

2. Make sure you are 100 percent compatible in case of cohabitation and a potential lockdown.

Pull out the personality and compatibility assessments tools.

This was followed by finding the best biological specimen that you know will rock your world in every possible way.

I laughed at this one and blushed!

3. Find someone who has a good sense humour.

The opposing view was the importance of a brilliant mind because laughter fades, but a wise one can help navigate the storms.

4. All of them agree to not talk about exes or detailed medical history on a first date.

Some recommend avoiding Covid talk altogether, and if possible, never bring it up!

5. All agree that when dating, you should look for a partner with skills like cooking, woodworking, and crafts.

Think long haul Covid lockdown trades.

6. Some advised to date slowly, and others felt that you need to move fast because you know all the good ones will be gone.

I laughed at this one too!

“This sounds like groceries,” I added and giggled.

7. The last Covid dating advice was the best one, which I wholeheartedly agree on, and it was to date yourself first.

Now is the time to be kind and loving to yourself first.

We all have experienced some struggles over the past two years, especially the singles.

As the evening came to a close, I offered my gratitude for the laughter and the open conversation, and I offered this:

Mindfulness helps with everything, especially dating during Covid.

We all need love.

Humour is a gift, and humans are relational. We need each other.

Nothing and no one will be perfect, and we are all literally walking each other home.

Have fun, stay safe, and laugh a little.

Let the Covid dating games begin!

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Renee Fesser  |  Contribution: 67,485

author: Renee Fesser

Image: oh_long_leslie/Instagram

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar

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