October 19, 2021

What to Expect from Full Moon in Aries in Mercury Retrograde’s Post-Shadow. {October 20}

full moon

“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


Full Moon in Aries—October 20

Our ability to self-regulate during the next two weeks will be based in part upon what we do with the amount and quality of thoughts passing through our psyche.

At Full Moon, we will be in the post-shadow phase of Mercury’s retrograde, meaning, it has stationed direct, but left are the tail ends of that energy, much like the wake left behind a moving boat. Even as we ease out of the pressure cooker of the retrograde, the expansion of Full Moon pulls us right back into all the feels.

This surge of energy can be channeled, however. Often, we feel at a loss of sovereignty when big cosmic shifts occur, but the good news is that while these shifts open portals within us (as they are meant to), we can still navigate them with intention.

>> What do you want to happen through the full moon phase? You get to choose which direction your energy flows, with full agency. Don’t wait for the moon to dictate, be part of the process.

>> How can you harness the influx of emotions at this time for growth outcomes? Notice I didn’t say only “positive” outcomes. Growth outcomes can include things that don’t look positive at face value, but that later create what the soul needs to actualize into purpose.

>> What are your thoughts excavating within you? Accept that your thoughts are not you and possibly not even reality, but they are persistent enough to keep you from experiencing the present moment. Witness them, then move on.

>> What shadows are currently surfacing? Our shadows will always be part of us. Don’t even bother trying to erase them. As long as we are curious about them, they can be part of our holistic wellness.

These are questions to work with while Mother Moon embraces us. And that’s another thing about the full moon—the mother aspect of the full moon can be the foundation for deeper roots of self-love. This is one of the things I love about working with the moon’s phases—each one heals us at a different level.

Did you know that we can be fully illuminated, conscious (awake to ourselves in our human experience), and intentional while feeling our shadows?

We can be experiencing highs and lows almost simultaneously. While this can be confusing, it is perfectly normal to fluctuate. Our expectations of a flat line of joyful emotions are unhealthy and dangerous—happiness is being able to navigate the ebbs and flows with kindness.

Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto have also recently returned from retrograde. Their new movement will see us benefiting from months of introspection—stronger, empowered, and eager to create new things in our lives.

Let the fire of Aries burn away any doubts about your ability to build things, change things, end things with grace, or move stubborn obstacles.

As we edge closer to October 31—Samhain in the Northern Hemisphere’s Pagan Calendar—there lies an open invitation to work deep magic. The full moon opens this 13-day portal.

Work with ancestors to gain insights and wisdom about the year past and the year to come.

>> Set aside an evening by candlelight to determine which ancestors are available to work with you.

>> Write three questions you seek answers to.

>> Listen carefully through dreams, synchronicities, intuition, and unexpected messages or happenings for the answers.

In the Southern Hemisphere, as Beltane approaches, this time is well spent re-evaluating who your community is. Build stronger connections in your immediate circle and choose a project for supporting the collective over the next year. You may be the fire-starter for a whole new social movement!

The full moon is for dreamers, mystics, rebels, and innovators. It shines on our ability to shift through difficult times and create in the best of times.

What is on your heart, Moonling? What are you dreaming of? Tell me.


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author: Monika Carless

Image: janrye/Pixabay

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