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November 18, 2021

Creating Your Dream Home and Avoiding a Budget Nightmare

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.

It’s probably not an over-exaggeration to say that just about everyone has a dream home in mind. Maybe it’s one of those cozy tiny houses on wheels. Or a quaint cottage by the beach. Or an upscale penthouse pad. The point is that dreams can become reality—well, within reason.

Even if your bank account isn’t as unlimited as your imagination, you don’t have to heave a sigh every time you look around your home. You can dress up even humble surroundings, often without resorting to Googling for cheap personal loan rates.

How can you give your property a champagne overhaul with a beer budget? First, figure out your “spend ceiling”. Then, consider applying some of these clever home improvement tactics.

1. Clean and paint.

Repeat after me: Nothing freshens up a house like a good scrub-down and beautiful coat of paint. It doesn’t matter which color you choose, although you’ll probably want to stick with the basics. Bold, bright rooms can get old-school fast. They can also go out of vogue with home buyers, which may be bad if you predict a resale in your near future.

Where to begin? Start with all your high-traffic areas, like the kitchens, bathrooms, and living areas. Take time to scour every surface first to ensure a quality finish. You may even want to enlist professional help, which could be surprisingly affordable. Check out the cost estimates for hiring experts at Angi. Paying someone with top notch cleaning or painting skills reduces the chance of an unflattering finish. Bonus: The pro will always take less time, which saves your overbooked butt from dealing with a half-completed project for months.

2. Go thrifting.

Look around. How many of your furniture pieces fall into the hand-me-down category? Many of us inherited beds, sofas, tables, and chairs from parents and friends. Now, though, they look tired and a little pathetic. And style? Can you honestly say that the polka-dotted plastic bedside table you loved as a 5-year-old looks good in your grown-up den?

Now, you might get scared at the thought of a full-scale furniture overhaul. New items can be seriously pricey. But you have a secret weapon called thrifting, which has risen in popularity thanks to Gen Z, say NPR reporters. So call in your long overdue PTO and spend a day or two haunting thrift stores and antique malls. Look for replacement furnishings that reflect your current personality and dream home visions. Trust me: You won’t find everything you want at once. Over time, though, you can piecemeal your way to a surprisingly cohesive interior design!

3. Invite nature inside.

From kitchen herb gardens to hanging ferns, nature can be one of the cheapest and most meaningful home improvements. Tending to plants doesn’t just enrich your spirit. The plants end up cleansing the air inside your rooms. Who wouldn’t want the power of an all-natural air freshener that requires zero electricity to operate?

Before choosing the plants to place around your house, do your research. Some greens and blossoms are better suited to certain lifestyles and homes than others. For instance, if you can’t remember to feed your cat let alone water a plant, go for a succulent or cactus. On the other hand, if you like year-round blooms, Better Homes & Gardens recommends choices like African violets, Brazilian fireworks, and something called a Lipstick plant. You’ll be amazed at how much life plants bring to any area.

4. Replace your oldest kitchen appliance.

Have a little more than a few bucks to spend on your home remodel? Name the kitchen appliance that’s least energy-efficient and most troublesome (or just hideous). It could be a fridge that came with your townhouse or a dishwasher circa Y2K. Replacing that single appliance could give you a whole new outlook on life.

Remember that the older your appliance is, the more you’ll tend to save. For instance, replacing a 10+ year old stove could cut your utility bills. That’s especially true if you go for a more compact alternative and use the remaining space in another way. Hey, saying goodbye can be tough, it’s true. Nevertheless, letting go of an appliance that’s past its prime can improve your standard of living pronto.

5. Pay attention to your floors.

Even if you take off your shoes diligently when you come into your house, your floors will lose their luster. You don’t necessarily have to rip out all your carpets, though. A professional deep cleaning will cost a few hundred dollars but could revitalize the fibers, color, and softness. If you have hardwood floors, consider getting them refinished. A touch of TLC goes a long way when it comes to invigorating oak, maple, and hickory flooring.

Of course, you might have a room with a floor so outdated that it’s not funny. In that case, look for a lower-cost solution such as luxury vinyl planks or tiles. Luxury vinyl tends to be a good investment. Depending upon your handiness, you may be able to install it yourself or with buddies. The result will amaze you, especially if you choose a luxury vinyl option that mimics wood grain.

Not all dreams have to end when you wake up. Make even a boring Thursday seem a little more enchanting, fun, and relaxing by restoring the charm of your humble abode. (And do it without putting yourself in debt. Bonus!)

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