November 12, 2021

Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse: 5 Ways to Activate the Light in the Shadow. {November 19th}

*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


On November 19th, we will see the second eclipse of 2021 with a full moon, which marks a time of transformation.

Here’s an overview of this moon:

>> The full Beaver Moon: when beavers enter their lodges, ensuring they have enough food for winter.

>> The Frost Moon: referencing the seasonal change, this Moon has been called the Frost Moon by the Cree and Assiniboine peoples and the Freezing Moon by the Anishinaabe, as the coldest season follows this full moon.

>> Full moon in Taurus: a time to make changes for stability, accept the shift, and budget and respect values.

>> Partial lunar eclipse: this happens to be the longest of this century, an unpredictable time when doors and portals open to the unknown, and there’s a big message to pay attention to.

Put this all together, and we have a recipe for a steamy autumn stew of shift and transformation. It’s a time to go inward, get busy, and prepare for an exuberant and enhanced existence.

Here are five things we can do to walk through the doors nature is opening for us:

1. Know ourselves.

It’s an important time for us to know ourselves inside and out. Opportunity for transformation is here, and better things are possible.

For us to harness the all-encompassing miracle of our fullest potential, we have to know and love our light. The easiest way to do so is to assess our values. Our response to our values gives us information on what we care about, gets us further in touch with what matters, and helps us align with what we are here to do.

We all have emotional responses to situations and people. Likely, if something or someone doesn’t resonate, we have an adverse reaction. If we resonate with it, we embrace it.

Knowing our top three to five values helps us create bottom lines for daily choices and what we say yes to. We can make life easier now if we are clear on what is important to us. I love and use Dr. John DiMartini‘s free value quiz online, but we can also simply journal about what is important to us.

2. Take time. A long time.

While most eclipses last less than two hours, this one will last three hours, 28 minutes, and 23 seconds, making it the longest of the century.

It’s not a time to rush. We can go as slowly as this partial eclipse is moving and take the time to look at all possible doorways, opportunities, and paths. And remember, we don’t have to open every door or walk down every path. We just might do best observing for a bit.

To the point above, if we look at all opportunities with a loving eye as we assess what we value and only say yes to what drives us, the options we choose will result in abundance.

3. Make small changes for significant results and journal about them. 

While partial lunar eclipses might not be quite as wondrous to the eye as total lunar eclipses, they are still pretty sensational. They happen more often, which gives us more chances to witness small changes in our universe, reminding us that we can also do remarkable things by making small changes.

This is a supportive time to look at our list of values and make small changes to live in a way that we are more aligned. So if health is a number one value, schedule acupuncture and wellness appointments for the year. If creativity is a top value, make sure there is space in the calendar for it. We can journal about what is not aligned with our core truth and values, then we can reflect on how to advocate for ourselves around what shows up.

4. Be intuitive like a high priestess and imaginative like a small child. 

Although this is not “the most” intuitive full moon of the year, it is still sensitive. We can harness the energy by exploring the relationship with the unseen world.

For example, after journaling about what isn’t aligned with our core values, we can use bibliomancy by opening a random book and paying attention to the first sentence we see, look to nature for guidance, or maybe pull a tarot or oracle card with the intention of how to shift out of misalignment. Then, we can let our small inner child lead the way into change. It surely is much more playful!

5. Reflect on and embrace the shadow. 

The symbolism of the moon (water and shadow) blocking the sun (fire and light) shows us it’s a time to allow the shadow to present itself and cleanse all that doesn’t serve. Eclipses are known to be purification starters, and although this is only a partial eclipse, the possibility for profound transformation and starting over is now.

We can cleanse, purify, let go, and get rid of addictions and addictive behavior in whatever way calls to us. Decluttering, fasting, detoxing, speaking to a counselor or trusted advisor, and journaling on the shadow can all be productive.

We always have a choice at peak lunar times to embrace or ignore the opportunities presented to us. All full moons provide an opening for release, enhancements, and wisdom. This one, in particular, is all that on overdrive, and we will likely experience heightened, varied emotions during this time.

May the tips above help us each activate the light in the shadow, clean up what no longer serves, and open a new door of long-lasting transformation.

I would love to know what actions you may be inspired to take from this! xo

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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: Merlin Lightpainting/Pexels

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar

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