December 28, 2021

For the Empathic Healers who have Endured Pain, Suffering & Abandonment.

For the empathic healers who have poured themselves into life, relationships, careers, goals, trying through grit and strength to bring healing to the world, this is for you.

For the empathic healers who have endured the abandonment, confusion, and suffering of painful and narcissistic relationships trying to save those you no longer even like but feel the sorrow of their brokenness, this is for you.

Step back and look at every goal you have gone after to master mental and physical endurance. Whether it was for a sport, career, or pleasure, you endured the pain and suffering because you knew what the destination would be—the mastery of what you practiced, drilled, and fully experienced.

You understood the pain and suffering was to gain endurance, wisdom, and compassion, not only for yourself, but to lead others through the same training to reach the same destination and desired goal.

This same training has been taking place in your relationships, in your heart, and in your emotional life for your destination of becoming a mature, empathic healer.

You may feel singled out, and in some ways, that life has placed unfair burdens on your shoulders. You may have suppressed your feelings to function and survive, feeling alienated from others because of the wounds you feel guilty harboring. Life doesn’t make sense or seem fair.

Through the process of emotional healing, your subconscious starts to release memories from the past to come up to the conscious mind for you to become aware of the fractured points in your heart so you can face them and heal.

You understand and value the lessons of training. You watch those memories from the vantage point of your soul that carries wisdom and clarity. Your soul that never entertains anger or judgment.


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Once the training has been completed and the mastery achieved, you move from novice to teacher and “way shower” of others. You endured the pain, struggles, violations, and betrayals to come to a place of strength, wisdom, and compassion to walk out your destiny.

Those same struggles and wounds will be your most significant source of strength once you are fully healed and will give you a powerful perspective and wisdom to eventually help others through the purity of your gift and heart.

As an empathic healer, your compassion for yourself will help you understand your unique vulnerability. It’s a sacred gift meant to heal the world. You can’t transform what you have never known and understood on a deep level.

You are not broken and never have been broken.

You are strong and beautifully fashioned—emotionally, physically, and mentally—for the life you came here to live.

No mistakes made. Nothing ever lost.

Everything is used to bring you to where you are today and where you will go in the future.

Rest in the wisdom of your soul that will carry you successfully to your destination and fulfillment.



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Deborah Cozzetti  |  Contribution: 10,760

author: Deborah Cozzetti

Image: julika.illustration/Instagram

Editor: Elyane Youssef

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