December 2, 2021

Want a Bang of Love? Ask these 5 Questions. {Last Full Moon December 2021}


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Welcome to the final Full Moon of the year, fellow stargazers and moon children.

We have recently experienced an ebb and flow of energetic pathways that have pulled us up to ride a dynamic wave, revealing the shadows and into the light that has helped transmute darkness.

Old stories have been shedding, patterns rewiring, and space for more love is available. It has taken collaboration with Spirit, harmonizing with our angry child within, and evaluating and honoring the truest outcome, but we are ready to end 2021 and prep for 2022.

We have a few things happening worth noting:

>> The Full Moon in Gemini is sparking a need for change, adventure, and spontaneity on December 18th. It is bringing a time of sharing to promote harmony and comfort.

>> On December 19th, Venus will appear to take a 40-day backspin. Venus is known to rule love, money, and romance in astrology. Old relationship emotions may surface, and drama may come about, but it will also be a time to look at what matters most to us.

>> After that, retrogrades are coming to an end, and we may start seeing and feeling shifts where we have noticed things going backward, not healing, or even just quiet.

With much energy swirling around, here are five questions to ask ourselves to ensure we wrap up 2021 with a bang of firework love versus a bang of chaotic booms:

1. What really matters to me? 

It’s time to reevaluate what our heart longs for and what our truth tells us we want. Not what we were taught to want, not what our parents want for us, our spouses, and nor our family and friends. We must take an honest look at what our passion is nudging us toward and get real about making that happen for ourselves.

When we look at what we have been ignoring, tune into our values and what matters to us, we can celebrate honoring our desires. Denying ourselves of what we long for may only cause energetic chaos that attempts to get our attention. We can avoid energetic blasts by saying “yes” to what matters most.

2. Are my relationships serving me and balanced in giving and receiving?

We can all think about what we want in the long run and choose relationships that will help us attain that desire. We have to choose people and support systems that understand, or at the very least, acknowledge who we are. Space for equal giving and receiving is also vital. Life is about relationships; relationships are about exchange, so one-way relationships must be corrected or released. If we don’t follow that, the relationships in our lives will most likely transform for us, which is usually rockier than necessary.

3. Is this something that will benefit me?

This is not ideal timing to make a luxury or expensive purchase, try on a new hairstyle, or make significant modifications. It’s helpful for us to think twice before saying “yes” or making sudden changes. If we aren’t sure, we can pause, maybe talk to a friend for some reflection, and think about long-term possibilities. Once we have a “yes” answer, it would benefit us to sit with it a little more, and maybe sleep on it one more night. We can reflect on how what we are considering will bring good, not just for ourselves but also for others.

4. Is there something I have been holding back from sharing?

The Full Moon in Gemini brings us an opportunity to express all sides of ourselves. It could be beneficial to have conversations we have been avoiding or share information our hearts call us to share. While thinking before speaking and acting is always helpful, we must prevent pausing too long then saying nothing.

Let’s not let this time pass us by. If there is something to say, prepare and share!

5. What can I let go of, and then what else I can release with it?

The time of letting go is now. Every time we release and surrender, we make space for something new to come in; empty hangers always seemed to get used, blank canvases painted on, empty homes eventually sell, and empty drawers eventually clutter. As Dee Hock said, “Make an empty space in any corner of your mind, and creativity will instantly fill it.”

Wherever we are hesitant to let go of, we can benefit by letting go in an even bigger way, and trusting that something greater will take its space. It will.

May one of these questions benefit and help deep, internal information surface and help us each wrap up 2021 with authentic truth shining from within. Let’s not let this time of evaluation pass us by without tying up loose ends, letting go of what is not serving, and beginning anew!

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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: celiacarodraws/Instagram

Editor: Katie Fleming

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