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January 6, 2022

Heal Yourself ~ The Journey

Be who you are

They say

Think positive thoughts

They tell you

Just breathe

Well, that one’s true. 

it’s all about the breath.

You are not a tree,

So leave if you don’t like it

Is a privilege denied to many

Be yourself

Is an act of rebellion for millions

Allow yourself to be authentic

Takes a lot of courage today

Celebrate yourself

Requires deep profound clarity, insight and wholeness

In the end of the story, we will have to travel through some traumatic and sometimes painful truths, to get to our final destination. This is my first step of a thousand miles as a writer of healing. Thank you for joining me. It’s always easier to heal with support of someone who knows.

The flood of wholeness advising us to be a happier, more enlightened, and loving version of ourselves is there. They may be leaving out the grittier details on how to do that, and mean it.

Oscar Wilde’s quote “Be You. The World Will Adjust” was said long before the internet decided to redefine the rules.

I’m stitching the tapestry of the healing journey from my business in holistic healing through my blog on @happinessnoir to my medium @inkhoneypub on to my Instagram @inkhoneypub and finally, over onto my new (-ish) Tik Tok @inkhoneypubtour landing gently onto the business of healing holistically on my Linked-in and website @HenryHealingdotcom

In peace,


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