January 27, 2022

When Mommyhood Burns us to the Ground, Do This. 


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I’ve been talking to some friends recently about how we normally put ourselves last and how that needs to change.

We are all moms. We all have full-time jobs. We always put everyone else first and then wonder why we are exhausted and beaten down.

I think as moms, we are conditioned to put everyone else first—I think society teaches us that. The media likes to show us that women can do everything and be anything, but what they don’t tell you is how hard it is.

What I’ve started realizing over the past few years is that if we don’t prioritize our needs or our happiness, then there isn’t much left to go around. I ran myself into the ground when my girls were younger. I was constantly running around, keeping them entertained, taking care of the house, working full time, cooking—all that stuff. It left zero time for myself and I burned down to the ground.

This is a common theme in mommyhood.

So, what do we do? How do we fix this? Take. Time. For. Yourself.  Seems pretty simple, right?

What do you like doing? What makes you smile? What brings you joy?

For me, it’s getting outside and walking. It helps me to clear my mind and make sense of things that don’t make sense in my head. I allow myself 45 minutes to an hour to get outside and walk alone. Sometimes, it’s around the pond at the park. Sometimes, it’s just around my neighborhood. But I always come back feeling better.

Maybe it’s going for a walk. Maybe it’s reading a book. Maybe it’s cooking. I don’t know. It could be any number of things! But figure it out and make time for those things.

Do something small for yourself every single day and I guarantee you will feel better. Work with your spouse to carve out time just for you. Or, if you’re single like me, explain to your kids how important it is for your mental health to take time for yourself. It will teach them a valuable lesson.


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author: Melissa Patrick

Image: mindfulnista/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis

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