January 12, 2022

Women can have Toxic Traits too—9 Signs she is Not the One.


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It’s always the man with the toxic traits, but never the woman.

Men are rarely given enough attention on social media. Someone had to say it. It’s always the guy who betrays, the guy who harasses, the guy who manipulates, and the guy who holds all the red flags. It’s always “10 Signs He’s Toxic” or “10 Reasons why you Shouldn’t Date Him.”

But what about her? What about her toxic traits?

As I grew older and had deeper conversations with the other sex, I came to realize that women can have toxic and manipulative traits as well.

So, this article is for all the men out there—our friends, our brothers, even our fathers.

If you encounter any of those traits, run!

1. She blames you for her failures. Yes, we still live in a patriarchal world, but supportive men still exist, and if you are one of them and she still finds ways to put the blame on you, then maybe she’s not the one.

2. She wants a social media kind of relationship. Reels are fake. Yes, I said it. Dancing in the rain, foot massages, and daily Starbucks are nice, but reality also includes hectic working hours, mental breakdowns, and low sex drive. If she can’t deal with the lows, she doesn’t deserve the highs.

3. She needs full attention 24 hours seven days a week and gives you a hard time if you don’t give it to her. Repeat after me, “A woman is not a princess.” A woman is a partner, and partners understand personal space.

4. She thinks the world revolves around her. When a woman likes a man, she wants to get to know every little detail about him. So, if she only talks about herself and doesn’t ask about you, chances are she’s looking for attention rather than a connection.

5. She gives you a hard time at social events. If you are not allowed to socialize with female coworkers, it might be better to attend the event alone.

6. She doesn’t like it when you spend time with the boys. Relationships are built on trust. If your partner is going to question your every movement, is she really your partner?

7. She makes fun of your physical appearance in front of people.

8. She looks down on your career choices and offers destructive criticism. Encouraging you to achieve your full potential is one thing, but destroying your self-image is another thing.

9. She makes you feel like you are never good enough and constantly compares you to other men. Dude, just let her go.

Men and women, everyone, toxicity isn’t connected to one gender. It’s something to look out for in any partner, despite their gender, so we can have a healthy and long-lasting relationship.

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Stephanie Doumit  |  Contribution: 1,960

author: Stephanie Doumit

Image: kissenillustrated/Instagram

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar

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