February 7, 2022

Haters gonna Hate. But what about when Colleagues or Friends gonna Hate?

What do we do, from a helpful perspective, when Friends & Colleagues talk behind our backs?

It hurts. And yes, in this life, wherever sweet kind confused humans beings go…there will always be kerfuffles, and it’s sad, and sometimes very sad. But as long as we are trying and caring, we forge forward. 

If folks are hating on you behind our back, first take the step of reaching out to them, and inquiring, trying to learn from any mistakes we’ve made.

Give them a chance to express themselves.

They may feel shy or intimidated.

Or…they may just not care, and are acting speedily, fueling drama, making vague and generalized allegations, seeking validation, being mean or gossiping. Hopefully not!

But give them a chance.

Then, if they don’t don’t honor your genuine inquiry…all we can do is learn, let go, move forward, keep trying and caring. Sometimes, all we can do is take the punches, listen, learn from what we can, and continue to be hard-working, truly-caring, mission-driven, wildly-imperfect.


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