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February 2, 2022

Looks bad doesn’t mean bad

Photo by Italo Crespi on Pexels.

There is one Japanese drama that I always watch whenever I have the chance. This drama tells the story of a doctor who has god-level skills but is coldhearted with her environment. I like her intelligence and her ability to analyze things. She is a rebel but she has one strength, helping her patients sincerely.

This drama made me realize that sometimes a person has traits that sometimes make that person disliked by others because of that person’s mind. Learning not to care that other people assume and accuse them of being bad doesn’t mean that they are completely bad and not a good person.

I think this drama made me figure that in my life, I also experienced the same thing. There are so many people around me who don’t like me, assuming me just because they don’t know me well. Even if they know me but still judging at me badly, it’s because my mindset is too different from the average person.

When I was younger, it would be a lie if I didn’t feel pissed off or bothered by all that, but as time goes on I figure out that humans have different mindsets, different personalities. Their way of life, their culture affects them. I learned to lower my ego and although it was sometimes difficult because I was still human, but in the end I slowly let go of the little burden that was in my heart.

Plus what I learned a lot was when I volunteered. I talked to a lot of people and it all changed and affected me a lot. Listening to them made me realize many things. Being with them, helping them and being by their side makes me feel that even though it’s a small thing but at least I hope that by doing this I can lighten their burden.

I’m not the doctor in that drama but maybe the little things I do can mean something to other people and maybe be of some use to them. If it can be useful for others, wouldn’t that be fun?

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