Is willful misinformation about health/life/societal safety covered by free speech? That’s the central question.
“Looks like they deleted a bunch of [Rogan’s] episodes last night.”
“Here’s an article explaining what was deleted.”
(An awful) Bonus: Joe Rogan apologises for using N-word and racist Planet of the Apes story. Here’s his apology.
Here’s the video: “Sketch on Rogan-Spotify deal from August 2021 has aged well.”
About the comedian, some context seems necessary, too. “He was YouTube’s golden comedy child until his (now ex-) girlfriend revealed how he treated her when she was going through an ectopic pregnancy and eventual miscarriage:”
Some disagreement, context: “The internet reaction on Gus is one of the most bizarre things I’ve witnessed. He was a 23 year old dude who handled a complicated life situation poorly, and has clearly learned from it. I am convinced the outrage is coming from people who are just out there looking for something to be angry at, and were probably not really fans of his in the first place. He will be fine.”
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