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February 1, 2022

What are you seeing for your life???

Photo by Magoi on Pexels.

Have you ever thought about your dreams, your goals?

I mean, what do you want out of life? Well, I’ve been studying vision boards, success, and people that win for years. And there was a time when I didn’t quite understand this whole thing about manifesting and what that meant. But as I started to build my curiosity and build my interest, I started to understand that there was a science and a little bit of magic (or maybe the other way around) to actually living the “manifesting” vibe.

Maybe it was more like magic and some science. And I started to put the two together and I started finding that there was, what felt like an actual path. It was almost like breadcrumbs. And so as I followed this path, I started to understand that there was something called vision boards. Maybe you’ve heard of them?

It’s an art project really. A scrapbooking phenomenon or crafts and arts for adults. That’s what I started to see and secretly despite not believing it then, I actually thought it was really cool.

It’s a bunch of images and maybe some words put together. As I started doing vision boards and over the course of those next several months, I started to see the things on my vision board working and showing up!

Yes, for real – like in real life! Years passed and when I started looking back, I noticed the pattern and the breadcrumbs. It was actually unfolding right in front of my eyes, I did things like teach yoga on cruise ships and travel while teaching yoga & meditation in exotic places around the world. I started speaking in front of large group, companies as well as small groups teaching tools of mindfulness and peace. And those are just some of the examples!!!

I was also snow birding at that time, living in 2 separate states, when I realized my life was unfolding right before my eyes, the life I was co-creating with spirit.

Now, I won’t tell you that it was always easy or that it always shows up exactly the way that I thought it would, but the things I dreamt and visualized for sure were coming to fruition in real life!

Imagine with me: the things, the dreams, and the visions that you see actually think and dream of coming to fruition in real life!

I’ll share with you again, it wasn’t always easy for me, but as I started to really develop this practice and yearly I would start making these vision boards after a few years, I actually was so interested in the topic that I got certified and I started teaching as a facilitator. Others had to do the exact same thing and this year is no different.

I love supporting others in manifesting their dreams! This year at our recent vision board workshop, we even manifested a luxury home over looking the water which held the space for the event.

Do tell: what’s something that has shown up for you from your vision board?

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