March 22, 2022

223 Words on What we need to Shed when it’s all “Too Much.”

The paradox of being called “too much” while feeling empty and burdened is a sign that we’ve misaligned ourselves inside and out.

We’re too much of everything and everyone else, and not enough of ourselves—effectively outsourcing who we are. When we’re “too much” and it’s all too much, do you even remember that you have feathers?

Can you still feel your wings

beneath all the heavyweight you’re carrying?

It’s time to shed some weight…

It’s time to shed trauma,

Not grace.

Shed pain and armor,

Not taste.

Shed all our defenses

and all our pretenses.

Shed illusions,

Not perspectives.

Shed options,

not priorities.

shed limitations,

not expectations.

Shed the voices that settle us

into the mundane,

Shed the sedatives.

Shed all the things that don’t matter,

and all the people who make us feel

we don’t matter.

Shed the blame.

Why should we

be the ones holding shame

so the sh*tty ones can look pretty in a frame?

Shed the baggage that

isn’t ours to claim.

Shed everything that f*cks up our rhythm and pace.

Shed the poison that invades mental space.

Shed the needs that

rob us of our power.

Shed all the stories

that no longer empower.

Repeat this checklist until you can feel your wings again,

Then soar toward the light,

be the captain of the starchild within us.


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Xiren Wang  |  Contribution: 13,775

author: Xiren Wang

Image: Andriyko Podilnyk/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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